Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Hip Hop’s Betrayal on Black Women Essay Essays
Hip Hop’s Betrayal on Black Women Essay Essays Hip Hop’s Betrayal on Black Women Essay Paper Hip Hop’s Betrayal on Black Women Essay Paper In â€Å"Hip Hop’s Betrayal of Black Women†. McLune addresses the influence of hip hop’s pick of words towards African American adult females and females. McLune’s article is written in response to Powell’s sentiments in â€Å"Notes of a Hip Hop Head†. along with assorted other hip hop creative persons. that black females are the taking cause of poorness and racism why black work forces undertake racism and poorness. as if adult females do non confront these battles from twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours. McLune disagrees with this comment and states that this is merely one of many alibis that work forces use. McLune addresses an audience that is good educated along with informed with the different sexism sentiments towards adult females in our society. though many work forces feel that some of their statements or sentiments are non impacting adult females. Therefore. McLune’s article deserves to be recognized in PopMatters. With all the statements and rejoinders she had. â€Å"Hip Hop’s Betrayal of Black Women†should be considered for the top award for persuasive essays due to the jobs that our African American society faces on a day-to-day footing. The energy of McLune’s statement is its energetic entreaty to African American adult females along with different races. Her statement implied that work forces want adult females to give in to them and accept the fact that they are being degraded. merely so that work forces can hike their assurance and maleness: â€Å"It’s obvious that if these are the winning footings for our creativeness. black adult females are finally the also-rans. And that’s precisely how these self-proclaimed participants. hoods. and hip-hop intellectuals want us- on our dorsums and plighting commitment to the hip hop state. ( Analytic Writing: A Guide to College Composition 300 ) McLune besides covers the fact that even the hip hop creative person â€Å"who have an belowground and witting force in hip hop- like Common. The Roots. Talib Kweli and others- stay inconsistent. excusatory. and even eager to fall in the mainstream player’s club†( 297 ) She is bothered that they have yet to come frontward and support the adult females who are being belittled by the misogynous hip-hop creative person. By showing this with the African American society of adult females who are ontinuously torched by the demanding words of work forces. McLune entreaties strongly to all American women’s mind of equality and regard. Womans should non hold to be judged by work forces and anticipate to be treated as if they owe anyone something. allow entirely hold to be mistreated and belittled. if that were to be the instance so work forces should be treated the same. therefore McLune’s audience. should understand that that is non how you define a black adult female in any footings. This indication to the soundless calls supports for an emotional entreaty to an illustration of the soundless calls in African American adult females. As stated in the rubric. Powell is cognizant that black adult females are simply being betrayed in the hip-hop industry and merely provinces that the pick of words that hip-hop creative person chose to knap approximately is merely â€Å"the ghetto blues. urban folk art. a call out for aid. †( 298 ) and it is rubbing off on about every adult male in our American society and giving them a different position of adult females all because adult females refuse to talk out and talk up. As a consequence. female rappers are frequently merely as male-identified. violent. mercenary. and nescient as their male equals. †( 298 ) . Over 100 old ages ago. adult females were non even allowed to vote. the closest they got to vote was sitting at that place and watching. They were non allowed to work. they were forced to be stay at place ma rried womans while their hubbies went out and worked difficult to supply for the household. They besides didn’t have the chance to talk up for themselves. it was known as a man’s responsibility. As you see in â€Å"Hip Hop’s Betrayal of Black Women†McLune states that adult females still sit back in silence in accept the denigration words that work forces throw at them through their wordss. Hip hop did non germinate from talking down on females. it started out as a manner suppress differences between two competitions or to talk on behalf of defects and bad lucks in the yesteryear. This comes to oppugn our audience why it is that hip hop has transformed into a manner of floging out a man’s choler towards a adult female and how their inventive character dreams to look at adult females. We can look at the past old ages when adult females were non given the chance to do their ain determinations and to talk on behalf of themselves. besides how and why did hip hop alteration its significance behind music. McLune provides a great illustration to the female hip hop creative person as to why they would take to be viewed in the same eyes that the misogynous hip hop male creative person are viewed. Besides as to why after so many old ages why is that work forces still have the upper manus. She does this by conveying up the point from Powell’s socioeconomic account for the sexism in hip-hop is a manner to hush feminist reviews of the civilization. It is to do an apprehension of the misogynous objectification of black adult females in hip-hop so elusive that we can’t hold on it long plenty to contorting the cervix of its power over us ( 297 ) . From this information. we can reason that is really much true. because most females will accept the denigration remarks instead than words of wisdom and motive. Because McLune gives great entreaties to the non merely the African American society. but the assorted races. her article deserves to be one of the top prized persuasive essays in PopMatters. It can be used as an illustration to our approaching coevals of immature work forces to non handle or talk down on a immature lady as something they hear in a blame vocal. McLune’s article demonstrates why adult females. particularly African American adult females should talk up and out irrespective of what the result will be. Her statement would hold been more effectual have she spoke about all the other races seen in picture because it’s non merely black females now.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
1-Month ACT Study Plan How to Raise Your Score Quickly
1-Month ACT Study Plan How to Raise Your Score Quickly SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Only got amonth until the ACT? No worries! In this guide, we offer you our best tips and advice on how to study for the ACT in a month.First, we’ll discuss the feasibility of a one-month ACT prep planand the four critical steps you must take toget started. Then,we’ll provide you with our besthigh-impact tips to help you get the ACT score you need for college. NOTE: This article largely assumes you’ll be studying for the ACT on your own. For additional help, contactour expert ACT tutorsor get started withour customizable online ACT prep course! Can You Study for the ACT in a Month? In short, yes, you can study for the ACT in a month- but how you manage your time will play a big role in how high of a score you ultimately get.Additionally, the feasibility of your planwill depend on how big of a point improvement you want to make, based on your baseline and goal scores (I'll explain both of these in more detail shortly). Generally speaking, how long should you study for the ACT? Below are our estimates for totalpoint improvements on the ACT based on the number of study hours you put in: 0-1 point improvement: 10 hours 1-2 point improvement: 20 hours 2-4 point improvement: 40 hours 4-6 point improvement: 80 hours 6-9 point improvement: 150 hours+ As these numbers indicate, the bigger the point improvement you want to make on the ACT, the more hours you’ll need to dedicate to your studies- and thus the more difficult it’ll be to carry out your ACT study plan within a month. For the most part, though, you should be able to study for the ACT in a month, as long as your score goals are workable. In other words, you shouldn't bespending more than five hours a day cramming for the ACT! So what does all of this mean for you? Basically, you must be prepared to create and follow a reasonable study planif you truly wish tohit your ACT goal score on test day. How to Study for the ACT in a Month: The First 4 Steps Before we give youour expert tips for a successfulmonth-long ACT study plan, let's look atthe four essential steps you'll need to take to get your plan started. Step 1: Find Your Target Score Begin by downloading our free guide to setting an ACT target score. Your ACT target score, or goal score, is the score most likely to get you into at least one of the colleges you’re applying to (excluding anysafety schools). To find your goal score, look up the 25th and 75th percentile scores for allyour schools (or just your most selective school). You can either look at your schools’ official websites or search foryour schools' ACT scores in our database by Googling â€Å"[School Name] ACT PrepScholar.†Our pages offer updated ACT (and SAT) score info for tons of schools. Here’s an example of UNC’s ACT scores and GPA page. Next, take the average of the 75th percentiles for your schools.This average will be your target score and should give you the best shot at getting accepted into at least one of the schools on your list. You can alsoaim for your most selective school’s 75th percentile instead.Compared with the average for your schools, this score will be somewhat harder to get; however, reaching it ensures that you’ll have an excellent shot at getting into allyour schools (instead of just one or a few). Step 2: Get Your Baseline Score Your second step is to figure out your baseline ACT score. A baseline score is the score you start with before beginning any ACT prep,and it’s what you’ll use to calculate how many points you’ll need to improve by in order to hit your goal score from step 1. To find this score, take anofficial ACT practice test. Treat the test as you would the real exam: find a quiet place to take it, time yourself in accordance with the official time limits, and forego extra or longer breaks than those allowed on the actual ACT. Your overarching goal is to recreate the ACT testing environment as closely as possibleso you can get an accurate baseline score. Once you finish the practice test, use your test’s answer guide to calculate your scale ACT scores for each section and theACT as a whole.Your total score (out of 36) will be your baseline ACT score. Step 3: Choose a Study Plan Once youhave your baseline and target scores, take the difference of these two scores to get the total number ofpoints you'll need to hit your goal score. For example, if my target score is 32 and I scored 27 on mypractice test, I'd need to improve my baseline score by a total of 5 points. After, match the difference you get to its corresponding number of study hours: 0-1 point improvement: 10 hours 1-2 point improvement: 20 hours 2-4 point improvement: 40 hours 4-6 point improvement: 80 hours 6-9 point improvement: 150 hours+ You now know the approximate number of hours you'll need to study for the ACT over the course of a month. But how should you spread out these hours each week? Each day? Below, we offer you different study plan optionsbased on the amount ofstudy time you'll need to commit to. But first, a brief reminder: always choose a study plan that’ll work well for you.Don’t opt for a plan that’ll require you to study excessively on weekdays if you know this type of plan will wear you out easily. Consider your commitments, and be realistic about when and how often you’ll actually be able to study. And now, here are our study plans! Light: You Want to Improve Your Score by 0-1 Points This easily manageable plan requires a total of 10 hours in a month, which comes out to about two and a half hours a week. Your best options for this plan are as follows: 2 hours and 30 minutes, once a week 1 hour and 15 minutes, twice a week 30 minutes, five times a week Medium: You Want to Improve Your Score by 1-2 Points This plan is slightly heavier than the Light Plan and requires 20 hours of prep over the course of a month, equalingfive hours a week on average. I recommend trying out the following plans: 2 hours and 30 minutes, twice a week 1 hours and 15 minutes, four times a week 1 hour, five times a week Heavy: You Want to Improve Your Score by 2-4 Points Moving on to the heavier plans now! For this plan, you'll need to study for a total of 40 hoursover the course of a month. Thiscomes out to approximately 10 hours a week, which you can divide as so: 3 hours and 20 minutes, three times a week 2 hours and 30 minutes, four times a week 2 hours, five times a week Heavier: You Want to Improve Your Score by 4-6 Points Not many students will be able to keep up withthis plan, but if you’re set on increasing your baseline score by 4-6 total points, you’ll need to prep for at least80 hours,or about 20 hours a week. Here are your options for prep schedules: 5 hours, four times a week 4 hours, five times a week 3 hours and 20 minutes, six times a week Impossible? You Want to Improve Your Score by 6-9 Points This plan requires 150+ study hours over the course of a month. That's a staggering 40 hours a week! Therefore, I strongly recommend againstundertaking this study plan. If you’re committed to improving your ACT score by as many points as possible, tryopting for the Heavier Plan and thenretake the test at a later date should you still want to improve your score. Step 4: Gather High-Quality Study Materials and Resources Finally, it’s time to gatheryour top choices forACT study materials and resources. Whether you already have a prep book picked out or are completely at a loss as to whatyou'll need for your study plan, let us help guide you with acompilation of our best ACT resources: Ultimate ACT Study Guides: Ourfree guides for the ACT English, Math, Reading, Science, andWritingsections,as well asthe test as a whole, offer a surefire combination ofcontent review and strategy. Complete Official ACT Practice Tests, Free Links:Here, we've collected all the official ACT practice tests available online. These tests are based on real ACTs and offer the most realistic practice questions you can get. Plus, they're completely free to download! Best ACT Prep Books 2018: I strongly recommend purchasing a highly reviewed ACT prep book to use as your primary guide throughout your studies. Our article offers in-depth reviews of the best ACT prep books currently available. Furthermore, all the books on ourlist have been personally reviewed by a perfect ACT scorer,so you can rest assured they'reworth theinvestment! The Best ACT Prep Websites You Should be Using: This handy compilation lists various websites you can use for all sorts of ACT help, including practice questions and strategy guides. The 4 Best ACT Apps (and How to Use Them in Your Prep): If you’re looking for on-the-go, supplementary learning materials, these four ACT apps are certain to lend a boost to your test prep! As a final tip, Isuggest browsingour SAT/ACT blog to learn more about the ACT in general, including how it works, what it tests, and what steps you can take to get the scores you need for college. Once you'vegot your study materials picked out, read onto learn about our top tips on how to study for the ACT in a month! Tjarko Busink/Flickr How to Study for the ACT in a Month: 5 Essential Tips At last, it's time for you to get your study plan off the ground! Here are five tips for making the most of your month-long ACT prep schedule. #1: Learn the ACT Format Inside and Out Before you take the ACT, it's important you know everything there is to know about the structure and content of the exam. This way there will be no surprises for you on test day! For a general overview of the ACT, read our articles on what the ACT tests and how it’s scored. For section-specific info, check outour individual guides: What’s Actually Tested on the ACT English Section? What’s Actually Tested on the ACT Math Section? Concepts, Subjects, and Skills What’s Actually Tested on the ACT Reading Section? Skills You Need What’s Actually Tested on the ACT Science Section? Skills and Topics The New Enhanced ACT Writing Test (2016): Complete Guide #2: Track Your Progress With Official Practice Tests While you study, it's imperative to track your progress using official ACT practice tests. Once again, these tests are the closest you can get to the real exam and will let you see whether you’re on track to hitting your target score. Because you'll only have a month to study for the ACT, try to taketwo to three tests in total.It's best to take oneat the beginning of your study plan (to get your baseline score) and a second one closer to the middle of your study plan, or aroundthe two-week mark. Just make sure you're spacing out your practice tests.Don't takemore than threein a month, and definitely don't take one right before test day- you'll justburn yourself out! #3: Review Basic English, Math, and Science Topics To do well on the ACT, you must familiarize yourself with all of the basic English, math, and science topics most likely to appear on the test. Here, we cover the specific concepts you'll need to have down before test day. For English First, check out our guides to the 14 most important ACT grammar rulesand basicparts of speech. Then, move on toour guides on the following critical concepts: Rhetorical skills (40-55%) Transitions Redundancy and wordiness Word choice/diction Add/delete questions Author technique/intent Organization Main idea Relevance Sentence structure (20-25%) Run-on sentences and fragments Parallel structure Faulty modifiers Punctuation(10-15%) Commas Other punctuation Grammar and usage (10-15%) Subject-verb agreement Verb tenses and forms Pronoun agreement Idioms Relative pronouns For Math We’ve got tons of topic-specific guides for ACT Math, which you can access through our ultimate ACT Math prep guide. Before you delve into higher-level math concepts, though, make sure you read all aboutintegers (we’ve also got an advanced guide to integers). Below is the breakdown of the math topics you'll need to know. I suggest beginningwith the most important sections (pre-algebra and plane geometry) before proceeding to the others. Pre-algebra (20-25%) Fractions, ratios, and proportions Statistics (mean, median, mode, etc.) Probability Sequences Plane geometry (20-25%) Lines and angles Circles Triangles Polygons Elementary algebra (15-20%) Single-variable equations Intermediate algebra (15-20%) Systems of equations Functions Word problems Coordinate geometry (15-20%) Lines and slopes Reflections, rotations, and translations Trigonometry (5-10%) For Science Luckily, you’re not expected to have a ton of background knowledge in biology or chemistry for this section!That said, there will be a handful of scientific concepts you’ll need to be familiar with in order to do well on the test. Read our guide for more info about what these fundamental topicsare and how you should study them. #4: Learn the Most Helpful Math Strategies ACT Math may or may not be your cup of tea, but with these handy strategies, you’ll be getting the Math score you want in no time! First off, always try to re-solve any ACT Math questions you answer incorrectly.This strategy is important because it lets youthink deeply about where you might’ve made a mistake with your calculations and what different steps you can take to try to get the right answer. As you re-solve the question, use thecorrect answer to guide you- but don’t look at the answer explanation before attemptingtofigure it out on your own! On test day, your two best math strategies are plugging in answers and plugging in numbers. With these strategies, even if you’re unsure how to solve a problem, you can still attempt to work it out, ultimately increasing your chances of choosing the right answer. Both of these strategies work particularly well for algebraic problems that ask you to manipulate or solve variables. #5: Pick a Strategy for Reading Passages It’s passages galore on the ACT English, Reading, and Science sections! But before we dive into possible reading strategies, let's look at thedifferent skillseach section tests: English tests your understanding of grammar, style, and flow. Reading tests your overall reading comprehension and vocab knowledge. Science tests your ability to correctly interpret data and understand scientific concepts and hypotheses. Because these three sections test such unique content, it’ll be best for you to develop separate passage-reading strategies for each section. Here are the best strategies to try out: For English There's only one highly recommended passage-reading method for English, and that's thegraf-by-graf method.With this strategy, you'llread passagesparagraph by paragraph,andanswer questions for one paragraph at a time. This method is ideal for ACT English since it lets you digest the content of the passage while also taking note of anyglaring technical errors. For Reading There are three possible passage-reading strategiesfor the Reading section of the ACT: Read the questions and then skim the passage (highly recommended) Skim the passage and then read the questions Read the passage closely (not recommended) ForScience In this section, yourpassage-reading options are as follows: Skip straight to the questions, answering as many as you can using only the visuals (i.e., graphs, tables, etc.) Skim the passage and then read the questions Read the whole passage first (not recommended) To figure out which reading strategies work best for you, take an official ACT practice test and time yourself on the English, Reading, and Science sections using official time limits. (You don’t need to take these sections back to back- separately is fine!) If possible, take multiple tests so that you can try out a different passage-reading strategy each time. Once you finish, check your answers and score your test. Thepassage-reading method that gives you the highest score on a section should be the one you practice with and use on test day! Rosmarie Voegtli/Flickr 6 Additional ACT Prep Tips for High Achievers If you want to increase your ACT baseline score by a fairly large margin- anywhere in the 4-9 point range- you’ll need to spend as much time as you can mastering allmajor ACT concepts. Our six additional tips below teach you both how to study for the ACT in a month andhow to get a super high ACT score. #6: Closely Analyze Real Questions To truly do well on the ACT, you need to know not onlythe basics of how it’s structured but also what kinds of questions it'll give you on test day and theapproaches you can use tosuccessfully tackle these problems head-on. Official ACT practice tests are your best bets for realistic questions.What you'll want to do is tear apart these questions to ensure that you can identify the ACT question types and readily understand what they’re asking you to do. For example, can you distinguish the Reading section'sinference questions fromfunction and development questions? Can you tell apart the different types of math on ACT Math? Do you understand how to read graphs and tablesso that you're capable of answering questions about scientific data? In the end, you’ll save yourself both time and brainpower if you know ahead of time what kinds of questions you’ll be asked and when they’ll appear on the test. #7: Study ALL Critical Math and English Topics In addition to studying the basics of ACT Math and English, high achievers shouldspend extra time mastering some of the less common (but still important) concepts likely to come up on the test. For Math, this means focusing on mastering trigonometry, the least prominent math topic on the ACT (albeitone that's certain to appear!). Trig accounts for 5-10% of your Math score,orfour to six questions. Although six questions doesn't sound like much, it might very well be the difference between getting a 36 and getting a 32 on Math! You should also spend time memorizing allcritical math formulas. Because the ACT doesn’t give you any formulas on test day like the SAT does, you mustspend time memorizing the ones that are most likely to appear on the exam. As for English, take a look atour complete ACT grammar guide to learn every single ACT grammar rule. You might also want to read up on the less-commonly tested topics of adjectives vs adverbs and formality. #8: Become an Expert at Critical Reading Though ACT Reading questions can be confusing and difficult, there’s a pretty easy trick you should definitely try tomaster. Here it is:there is always one definitively correct answer- meaning all other answer choices mustcontain a clear indication that they are incorrect. You can hone this crucial skill by studyingwithhigh-quality ACT Reading questions. As you practice, pay close attention to answer choices that don’t perfectly answer the question you’re being asked. A wrong answer choice is usually one that has one or more of the following qualities: Irrelevant The opposite of what’s written An inaccurateconflation of information from the passage Plausible but ultimately not supported directly by the passage On Reading, all correct answers will be supported by clearevidence in the passage. So if you come across an answer choice that sounds sort of right but isn’t actually written down or directly supported by the passage, chances are it's wrong! #9: Improve Your Vocab Fortunately, vocab doesn't make up a particularly large part of the ACT English or Reading sections. But if you’re aiming for a high score on test day, I recommend dedicating a little prep time to improving your vocab. Most vocab words on the ACT are of medium difficulty. This meansyou'll predominantly need to studyidioms and lesser-known secondary meanings of common words. To learn ACT vocab words, check outour list of 150 ACT words you should knowandScholastic’s 100-word ACT/SAT vocab list. Want to cover all your bases? You can learn even more wordswithour extensive SAT vocab list of 250+ words. (The vocab on the SAT is extremely similar to that on the ACT.) #10: Strengthen Your Weak Spots During your studies, you’ll likely notice some concepts or areas you struggle with more than you do with others. The best way to strengthen your weak spots is to concentrate more oncontent review andpractice questions. I suggest working with a combination of high-quality prep books, strategy guides, and official ACT questions. As you work on improving your ACT skills, keep track of any question types you’re continually missing.Try to identify why you're missing these questions, and start to think about how you can ultimatelytransform yourmistakes into successes. #: Pace Yourself Our last tipis to learn how to pace yourself. Knowing how to answer ACT questions won’t help you in the end if you’ve got 10 blank questions left because you ran out of time! So always be on your guard and pay attention to how long it takes you to answer specific question types. Here are the average amounts of timeyou should spend per question on each ACT section: English: 36 seconds per question Math: 60 seconds per question Reading: 53 seconds per question Science: 53 seconds per question For more detailed advice on how to pace yourself, check out ourindividual time-management guides for Math, Reading, and Science. Key Takeaways: How to Study for the ACT in a Month Although one month of ACT prep isn'tenough for everyone, it can sufficeif your goal is toimprove your score by no more than 4-6 total points.Students who want to improve their scores by 6-9 points will be better offaiming for a smaller score improvement and then retaking the ACT at a later date. When embarking onyour month-long ACT study plan, you must first set a targetscore, find your baseline score, decide ona study plan, and gather high-quality prep materials. Once you’re ready to begin studying, you can use our high-impact tips above to help you get the most out of your ACT prep. So what's my final tip? Always have the confidence that you can do this. Studying for the ACT in a month is difficult, but it’s certainly not impossible. As long as you know exactly what you'll need to do in order to make your goals a reality, you willbe successful! What’s Next? Need more advice on gearing up for theACT? Then read our in-depth and easy-to-follow guides onhow to prepare for the ACTand when you should start studying. Not a lot of time left before test day? Ourlast-minute ACT strategieswill teach you everything you need to know about strategic guessing, time management, and what you'll need to bring on test day. Only got a month left before your SAT test?Read my other guide on how to study for the SAT in a month to get step-by-step tips and advice. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep classes. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our classes are entirely online, and they're taught by ACT experts. If you liked this article, you'll love our classes. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step, custom program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Try it risk-free today:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Mri tech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Mri tech - Essay Example Therefore, with T1 weighted MRIs, the images will appear to be bright (high intensity). This is because the major composition of yellow marrow is fat and fat possess very short T1 relaxation phase. The red or hematopoietic marrow is framed up with 40% of water and fat and 20% protein. Water holds a longer T1 relaxation phase and therefore, the images of red marrow is low intense or dark in nature due to very low signal intensity. The diagnoses of bone marrow lesion on yellow marrow background are effective using T1 weighted MRIs but it can be difficult with the case of lesion on a red marrow. With T2 weighted images, the red marrow and yellow marrow cannot be easily distinguished. STIR is more effective than T2 weighted spin images. (Dimopoulos, Moulopoulos, 1997). The figure shows dark signals highlighted with small arrows that indicate the red marrow in the spinal region and bright signals highlighted with long arrows indicates yellow marrow around femoral epiphyses as well as apop hyses. This is an image of a normal bone marrow of a child. (Dimopoulos, Moulopoulos,1997). An abnormal situation characterized by severe pain and irritation in the knee as a result of high level of pressure offered from patella or kneecap is referred as Chondromalacia (cluett, 2010). The patella is normally covered with a smooth layer composed of cartilage. The cartilage moves effortlessly and flexibly across our knee and thus, facilitates easy bending of the knee joint. The case is different with patients affected with chondromalacia wherein the patella inclines to rub against one or another side of the joint. This results in irritation and pain in the knee. Chondromalacia patella symptoms include distributed knee pain mainly in the front and back side of knee cap. It is accompanied with worsening of pain while arising from an elongated sitting posture, climbing upstairs, wearing heels, kneeling or jumping. (Cluett, 2010) MRI appearance of chondromalacia comprises of signal hetero geneity surrounded by hyaline cartilage, predominantly with T2 weighted MR images, hyaline cartilage covered focal hyperintensity, mainly showing linear or focal abnormalities in the hyaline cartilage and asymmetrical configuration to the hyaline cartilage surface. It is required to use the modifier â€Å"severe†when variations that are greater than one cm in diameter are observed. If high density central defects are present then also the severe modifier need to be used. These defects can be distinguished from usual chondral defects by comparing the centralization of the final lesion that are widely spread and lacks surroundings (Loren, 2008) Full thickness chondral defect is appeared with high signal joint surface lesion represented in black arrow is covered by normal low intense hyaline cartilage on this spin echo T2 weighted image. (Loren, 2008) Osteochondritis dessecans is a medical condition that arises when certain amount of cartilage in a joint connected with a thin b oney layer separates from the rest of the bone. The affected person usually experience server pain, irritation and discomfort near a bone ending position. (Kennedy, no date) OCD is usually seen with larger joints such as the hips, knees and the ankles. The condition is also accompanied by severe rib pain. In association with rib pain, the uneasiness normally occurs in breastbone or in the spine where the ribs get connected. The major cause of OCD is certain type of repetitive injury or
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Analysis Of Turkish Airlines Advertisement Campaign Term Paper
Analysis Of Turkish Airlines Advertisement Campaign - Term Paper Example Subject to its prominence, the airline flies with the best in the world and has contemplated introducing a new brand that enhances its global reach under the motto ‘Widen Your World’ (Turkish Airlines 2014). To achieve this, the airline has introduced a new TV advertising campaign that features international sports celebrities, Kobe Bryant and Lionel Messi. Notably, the ad has been receiving high publicity where it became the most-viewed commercial in YouTube’s history with over 105 million views (Al Hilal Group 2014) after its broadcast across 170 countries, in over 20 different languages (Bracher 2013). This report will derive a detailed analysis of the advert and make relevant recommendations. Directed by Marco Grandia and produced by Electric Zoo, the â€Å"Legends on Board†advertisement seeks to maximize the demand and the market advantage of using a celebrity in an advertisement (Mediabistro Inc. 2014). While Kobe Bryant is a basketball superstar, Lionel Messi is a football superstar and both stars are the airlines brand ambassadors. The Turkish Airline advertising agency, Crispin Porter + Bogusky released the ad campaign on 6 December 2012 for Turkish Airlines (Bracher 2013). The ad runs for one minute and features Kobe Bryant and Lionel Messi as the main characters and other airline passengers and personnel as supporting characters (Kobe vs. Messi: Legends on Board - Turkish Airlines 2012). Kobe Bryant and Lionel Messi act as signifiers in the ad as they represent their nationalities by competing in international sports competitions. Indeed, the â€Å"Legends on Board†ad depicts a competition involving Kobe Bryant, Lionel Messi, and a flight attendant who seek to draw the attention of a young boy with a Turkish Airlines-branded ball (Mor 2012). Â
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Good Teachers Essay Example for Free
The Good Teachers Essay The desire to throw away youth and to grow up in evident also in ‘The Good Teachers’ as the speaker reveals a list of things she used to do as a child in order to make herself appear older and more mature, ‘You roll the waistband/ of your skirt over and over’, the repetition of the latter phrase demonstrating the action itself, ‘all leg, all/ dumb insolence, smoke-rings.’ Through the continued use of the pronoun, ‘you’, we, as the reader can share in Duffy’s adolescent experience as they are actions universal to all teenagers. Both poems deal with the positive aspects of adolescent experiences, but also with the negative ones as well; in ‘Lanarkshire Girls’ the experience begins uneasy and unpleasant as the speakers recalls how ‘Summer annoyed us†¦ Like a boy with a stick through railings’. This simile is very sensory as it strikes an image in the readers’ head of a boy dragging a stick across railings and the sound it makes is prominent. The bus is trying to exit the rural country as the nature is trying to stop it, making the journey initially difficult, ‘We bent whole treetops/ squeezing through as they rained down twigs.’ This symbolises the transition from adolescence into adulthood and how the girls are struggling to make it. However, when they finally make it out of the country, the tone of the poem changes from annoyance and struggling, to admiration for the city and excitement to be in a new stage of their life and for their new found sense of fre edom. The same is true for the speaker in ‘The Good Teachers’ as Duffy uses the metaphor of ‘a wall you climb’ to describe the transition from adolescent into adulthood. Even in the most positive point of the poem where she expresses her passion and love for both her English teacher and the subject itself is tainted. Her adoration is evident through the repetition of, ‘so much’ and through her actions such as remembering ‘The River’s Tale by Rudyard Kipling by heart’ and by ‘making a poem for’ her teacher. The speaker suggests that even this adolescent experience was tainted as her teacher who she admired is not perfect and her ‘cruel blue’ eye demonstrates this. This symbolises how no adolescent experience is perfect. Both poems end on very different tones and therefore have different outlooks on adolescent experiences. ‘Lanarkshire Girls’ ends with a feeling of excitement as the bus, ‘spilled’ the girls out dreaming themselves up. Whereas, ‘The Good Teachers’ ends on a tone of regret as the speakers finds truth in what her teachers told her that, ‘you’ll be sorry one day’ for not working hard enough and for racing to throw away their childhoods.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
What is Art? Essay -- Essays Papers
What is Art1 Art can mean many different things to many different people and was one of the earliest ways in which man has expressed him or herself to others, whether it was through cave drawings or hieroglyphics. It does not begin or end with just drawing or painting, items typically considered art, or the many other recognized facets of art including architecture, drama, literature, sculpting, and music. The writing of Beowulf, one of the earliest known written prose, or the Greek plays which have influenced drama since their inception, are considered some of the greatest forms of art in history. Art can allow us pleasure just simply through the process of creating. Art can allow us to express ourselves to give us better insight into our own feelings. Art can, in contrast, allow us to stir emotions from within the viewer, occasionally leaving the viewer with an awakened or refreshed outlook. Some may only consider a work as art if it requires a particular skill from the artist, however, ar t can actually be viewed as simply another form of communication. No matter what form this expression takes, whether dance, poetry or the painted canvas, people have reasons for pursuing the need to create. Dance, as a form of art, allows the person or persons to express themselves through the movements of their bodies, whether the dancing takes place on a stage, in a theater, or on the floor of a dance club. This non-verbal art form can allow a dancer to express stories and s...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
General systems and operations design Essay
The human-system design should be least complicated and easy to operate and maintain. Less complications and operational requirements would mean minimum training requirements and workload for the people and thus, less error potential. Hardware operations and computer procedures should also be standardized so that similar operations would require similar hardware and similar applications would only require similar uses and procedures. Operations should only be standardized and implemented to minimize the number of required tools as well as human errors from improper training and minimum skill. Also, the minimization of maintenance requirements and the standardization of procedures and operations should be done so that any person involved in the exploration would at least have an idea on the operations which is especially necessary in cases of accidents when a company in space becomes incapable of operation (Man-Systems Integration Standards, 2006). Changes in Anthropometry As people travels farther from Earth, there is the loss of gravitational pull. This loss, together with the changes in environment exert great effects both in the anthropometry and biology of humans and thus requires extensive consideration especially in designing workstations. In particular, the human body size and posture, the surface area, the movement and volume as well as the mass considerably change with the absence of gravity (Vogel, 1976; Man-Systems Integration Standards, 2006). The height of a person generally increases for both short and long-term missions (Sinha, 2002; Vogel, 1976). This is caused by spine lengthening which can vary from 0.5 inch to about 3% of the baseline height prior to the mission. The fluid shifts caused by gravity cause changes in the chest, waist and limb-circumferences, usually a decrease (Man-Systems Integration Standards, 2006). Because weight is a function of gravitational force, the weight of a person decreases from 3-4%, most of which because of water, and loss of lean body mass as well as fat. Metabolic changes that happen further throughout the mission also cause further weight loss while the center of the weight becomes the head (Man-Systems Integration Standards, 2006). Pre-operation anthropometry does have an effect on how much increase or decrease will happen with the decrease in gravitational pull. This means that in general, sex and race could also have an effect on the amount of changes that would happen as a result of the decrease in gravity. People from the West are usually taller compared to their Eastern, Asian counterparts. In addition, males are generally taller compared to the females of the same race (â€Å"Man-Systems Integration Standards,†n. d. ). The anthropometric data are usually used in the design of equipment. The equipment to be used must be able to fit to any user regardless of size. This is done by designing a one-size-fits-all principle, to accommodate all possible users. This is especially applicable to the design of chairs and the dimensions of the window. Equipment sizes can also be tailored to fit a specific user so long as he or she would be the only user. Objects that must be reached such as buttons and switches must be adjusted based on the reach of the shortest person. In addition, the fact that the spine lengthens while in space would affect the placement of reachable objects. Because the spine lengthens, there would be an increased or easier overhead reach while the downward reach becomes more difficult because of decreased assistance by gravity (Man-Systems Integration Standards, 2006). The anthropometric data can also be used in the design of clothing. Since height increases generally happen as a result of the increase in spin length while in space, the designers must tailor the space suits to accommodate such changes (Man-Systems Integration Standards, 2006). In addition to gravity, the actual tasks that must be performed in space are considered in the design of equipment. To exemplify, if the task involves great precision, continued operation and the use of two hands, the task should be as close as possible to the operator. For tasks that require the use of special suits, design reach dimensions are generally reduced (Man-Systems Integration Standards, 2006). Changes in Work Capacity and Biology The lack of gravity also forces design changes particularly in objects that require pushing, and pulling. Because there is lack in gravity, human force is basically reduced. Diminished musculoskeletal strength and reduced cardiac capacity are effects of lack of gravity and can affect work performance and capacity (Miller, n. d. ). It follows then that in functions that require force such as pushing and pulling, there should be mechanical assistance in the forms of body restraint systems that could substitute for gravity. These restraint systems must be developed under neutral buoyancy conditions on Earth or in actual conditions of the space. Handhold, waist and foot restraints can be used for holding onto a handgrip to accommodate functional reaches; waist restraint for good body control; and foot restraint if the need is excellent reach performance, stability and control (Man-Systems Integration Standards, 2006). Gravity could also have a significant effect on a person’s biology. Particularly, the reduced gravitational force could induce spatial disorientation and space adaptation syndrome or space sickness (Ercoline, 1994). Such are not considered positive effects because they cause impairment of performance. Spatial disorientation refers to changes in posture, vertigo and illusions of movement that could result to tumbling (Brown, 2000). Critical activities are not advised to humans on mission when they are spatially disoriented. In the first days in space when humans experience space adaptation syndrome, humans tend to limit head motions. The effect is increased task time. What is usually done at this point is having limited activities that require speed (Man-Systems Integration Standards, 2006). As implied earlier, gravity also has effects on the human muscular and circulatory system. The effects of diminished gravity on humans’ exercise capacity as a result of reduced cardiac activity (Davis, 1999; Bungo, 1983) and muscular strength (Patton, 1987) necessitates countermeasures such as diet plans and exercise plans (Man-Systems Integration Standards, 2006). One thing that must be considered by the space industry is the adjustment of the human circadian rhythm and the effects of such adjustments in human performance (Gander, 1989). As it is, the goal of human factors research is to effect easier conditions in the space so that better and more successful performance is expected. Failure to do so would mean a loss in life and loss in significant investments (Man-Systems Integration Standards, 2006). Another thing that humans involved in space missions experience is great acceleration and vibration. Acceleration affects the vision depending on how its force is directed. The usual results are dimming of vision, loss of vision at a certain side, usually the periphery, and diminished, blurred or doubled vision. This restriction in vision could induce motion sickness which could affect performance (Stern, 1990). Vibration also has a degrading effect on the performance. It is usually during the lift-off and landing when vibration is greatest. Unfortunately, there are many times when vision is very important. Because of this, letters on equipment and signs are usually written in large format so as to accommodate any blurring or degrading effect of vibration on the person’s vision (Man-Systems Integration Standards, 2006).
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Equirements for the Corporate Computing Function Essay
From Table 3. 1, speculate why the fifth point, â€Å"Meet information requirements of management†, is in the CIO’s list of nine (9) points: Meeting information requirements of management is a key focus for many organizations. Companies are constantly looking for ways to improve how they manage information. Information is essential for any decision making process and day-to-day operation. Therefore, it is important that information is managed and disseminated properly throughout the organization. Management use information to establish policy and strategic planning. It is extremely important that organizations meet their information requirements of management. Ian Linton (2013) suggests that managers need rapid access to information to solve strategic, financial, marketing, and operational issues. Therefore, it is paramount that organizations evaluate their informational needs of management. The operating environment of today’s organizations demands timely, efficient and effective management of information to make informed and up to date decisions. Consequently, requires readily accessible information at their disposal in order to be effective managers. If an organization is to be successful, it must be an excellent steward of data. On the other hand, technology is constantly on the rise. As it produces higher efficiency, access, and integrity with improved ways to organize and manage information. At the same time, the IT staff maintains the responsibility of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the organization’s intellectual property. To meet these needs, organizations must increase their awareness of the available criteria for evaluation of management informational needs. Information is power and must be managed properly. Organizations need to consider the latest relevant technological advancements for their business to stay competitive and gain competitive advantage (Nichelson, 2013). Managers are critical elements of an organization; thereby, demanding quality, accuracy, and efficiency to move their business forward. The decision making process is greatly influenced by the relevance and quality of the information available to its management. Imagine only three (3) points are to be rolled out in the first phase. Evaluate each point to determine the most important three (3) for the initial rollout phase: Although, all are key points. After ample consideration, the initial rollout phase should consist of the following: 1) Provide computing capability to all organizational units that legitimately require it. 2) Meet information requirements of management. 3) Provide computing services in a reliable, professional, and technically competent manner. I believe the three (3) points chosen are high valued and critical to the organization. All departments must have readily accessible information to perform their jobs to be productive. By means of distributed computing of low cost servers, workstations, and personal computers will provide the widespread use of small computers to provide highly individualistic service to all departments. At the same time, allow users to establish and maintain autonomy in their day-to-day operations while improving departmental productivity (Stallings, 2009). In this instance, deploying inexpensive systems make it possible for organizations to disperse their computing capabilities. Thus, no longer relying on centralized infrastructure to provide services. Obviously, it make sense as a first measure to acquire information from all departments, thus meeting the requirements for the corporate computing function and the information needs of management. Recommend one (1) additional point the CIO should include in order to ensure the topic of security is addressed in the mission statement. Explain your rationale for the inclusion: Information security enabled by technology must include the means of lowering the impact of intentional and unintentional errors entering the system and to prevent unauthorized internally or externally accessing the system ? actions to reduce risk data validation, pre-numbered forms, and reviews for duplications. It is crucial that the mission plan include the provision of a disaster recovery and business continuity plan. On the other hand, there is much more intrusion activity today than ever before. Obviously, there is an increased concern for attacks through companies’ network in an effort to either commit malice or affect the integrity of an organization’s most valuable resource. Therefore, it is important that companies do not get complacent in their IT infrastructure security. The fact of the matter, there is no perfect system; however, it behooves organizations to protect their information by way of reducing threats and vulnerabilities. Moreover, Whitman and Mattord (2010) said it best, â€Å"because of businesses and technology have become more fluid, the concept of computer security has been replaced by the concept of information security. Companies must realize the importance of information security and are allocating separate budget and human resources for it. It has matured into a separate business enabler function in many organizations. Organizations now face myriad regulatory requirements and the need to manage risk and information theft. Therefore, it is important for organizations to staff people with specific skills so that information assets are safe and the continued integrity of information is assured (Whitman & Mattord, 2010). Finally, many businesses today are not adequately prepared for an interruption of services. Therefore, it becomes necessary to establish both business disaster recovery and continuity plans to protect the organizations from complete devastation. According to Whitman & Mattord (2010), â€Å"the mission statement is the follow- up to the vision statement. If the vision statement states where we want to go, the mission statement describes how we want to get there. References Linton, I. (2013). The Role of Management Information Systems in Decision Making. Retrieved from http://yourbusiness. azcentral. com/role-management-information-systems-decision-making-1826. html Nichelson, B. J. , Ph. D. (2013). Keeping Up With Technology. Retrieved from http://entrepreneurs. about. com/cs/beyondstartup/a/keepinguptech. htm Stallings, W. (2009). Business Data Communications, Sixth Edition (Custom Edition). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Whitman, M. E. , & Mattord, H. J. (2010). Management of Information Security (3rd ed. ). Boston: Course Technology-Cengage.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Americas Ideal Weight essays
Americas Ideal Weight essays American women constantly struggle with acceptance and appearance. Daily exposure to images of waif thin models and articles of diets that will improve your appearance and self-esteem only add to the strife. This mass exposure sways our struggle for acceptance by failing to show us diverse body types. With the huge number of females with eating disorders (5-10 million) in this country, the media who pushes thin is in everyday seems largely at blame.(5) Many people find it extremely disturbing to see an article on one page in a magazine of a young girl dying or suffering from anorexia, and on the next page an ad for clothing with an obviously underweight model. The obvious glorification of thinness in this country sends a dangerous message to women of all ages- yet who takes the blame? In a recent study taken by the Commonwealth Fund, 4 out of 5 American women find their appearance dissatisfactory and one half of women resort to some type of dieting.(5) This dissatisfaction clearly resonates from the media- mainly from magazines. Womens magazines are said to contain 10.5 times more advertisements and articles promoting weight loss than mens magazines.(5) Rarely do we see a woman on the cover of magazines such as Cosmopolitan and Glamour that weighs over 120 pounds. True, these magazines often include articles about losing weight in a healthy manner, but in a study of one teen magazine over a period of 20 years, most of the articles promoted weight loss saying it would improve appearance. Of these articles, 74% cited to become more attractive as a reason to exercise, and 51% noted the need to burn calories or lose weight. In the same study, adolescent girls were polled in regards to health issues and where they received the information. Ninety-seven per ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Plutonium Facts - Periodic Table of the Elements
Plutonium Facts - Periodic Table of the Elements Plutonium Basic Facts Atomic Number: 94 Symbol: Pu Atomic Weight: 244.0642 Discovery: G.T. Seaborg, J.W. Kennedy, E.M. McMillan, A.C. Wohl (1940, United States) Electron Configuration: [Rn] 5f6 7s2 Word Origin: Named for the planet Pluto. Isotopes: There are 15 known isotopes of plutonium. The isotope of greatest importance is Pu-239, with a half-life of 24,360 years. Properties: Plutonium has a specific gravity of 19.84 (a modification) at 25 °C, melting point of 641 °C, boiling point of 3232 °C, with a valence of 3, 4, 5, or 6. Six allotropic modifications exist, with various crystalline structures and densities ranging from 16.00 to 19.86 g/cm3. The metal has a silvery appearance which takes a yellow cast when oxidized slightly. Plutonium is a chemically reactive metal. It readily dissolves in concentrated hydrochloric acid, perchloric acid, or hydroiodic acid, forming the Pu3 ion. Plutonium exhibits four ionic valence states in ionic solution. The metal has the nuclear property of being readily fissionable with neutrons. A relatively large piece of plutonium gives off enough energy via alpha decay to be warm to the touch. Larger pieces of plutonium give off sufficient heat to boil water. Plutonium is a radiological poison and must be handled with care. It is also important to take precautions to prevent the unintentional formation of cri tical mass. Plutonium is more likely to become critical in liquid solution than as a solid. The shape of the mass is an important factor for criticality. Uses: Plutonium is used as an explosive in nuclear weapons. The complete detonation of a kilogram of plutonium produces an explosion equal to that produced by approximately 20,000 tons of chemical explosive. One kilogram of plutonium is equivalent to 22 million kilowatt hours of heat energy, so plutonium is important for nuclear power. Sources: Plutonium was the second transuranium actinide to be discovered. Pu-238 was produced by Seaborg, McMillan, Kennedy, and Wahl in 1940 by deuteron bombardment of uranium. Plutonium may be found in trace amount in natural uranium ores. This plutonium is formed by irradiation of natural uranium by the neutrons which are present. Plutonium metal can be prepared by reduction of its trifluoride with alkaline earth metals. Element Classification: Radioactive Rare Earth (Actinide) Plutonium Physical Data Density (g/cc): 19.84 Melting Point (K): 914 Boiling Point (K): 3505 Appearance: silvery-white, radioactive metal Atomic Radius (pm): 151 Ionic Radius: 93 (4e) 108 (3e) Fusion Heat (kJ/mol): 2.8 Evaporation Heat (kJ/mol): 343.5 Pauling Negativity Number: 1.28 First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): 491.9 Oxidation States: 6, 5, 4, 3 Lattice Structure: Monoclinic References: Los Alamos National Laboratory (2001), Crescent Chemical Company (2001), Langes Handbook of Chemistry (1952), CRC Handbook of Chemistry Physics (18th Ed.) Return to the Periodic Table
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Literature Review and Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Literature Review and Report - Essay Example The growth of wines in the market urged Fosters to move in these wine industries, and he earns more than expected compared to its previous business, the beer company. In the USA, it’s been stated that its continuous growth in the past 30 years has enjoyed and has never experienced two years of falling demand. But this summed up had changed when overcapacity in the production of wines occurred. And unfortunately, this instance is now the source of many of Foster’s problems. Beringer Blass Wine Estates (2004), for instance, consolidated some production and warehousing facilities, wrote down the book value of excess bulk wine inventory, and selected "non-strategic vineyards" in California and Australia to put up for sale. Same with what happened to Fosters when he encountered the overcapacity in his production, forcing Fosters to make changes before his wine business will automatically descends By the first half of 2003, Fosters earnings had dropped to 64 percent due to deep price cutting since other wine business, or its competitors had cut away their profit margins. The immediate fall of earnings of Fosters obliged him to cut costs levelled with the costs of its competitors. But Fosters didn’t engage immediately in planned change before its wine business got into trouble. Fosters was expecting that, sooner, the sales he produced on the preceding years will continue on the following years. But he rather experienced more difficulties and therefore cleared that Fosters needed to undergo significant changes to get back on track. The first he does was the appointment of a new chief executive, Trevor O’Hoy, which also headed the wine business. Their main focussed under the new chief executive, which are the biggest threats to Fosters successfully carrying out this change program, was focussed on cutting costs and improving efficiencies. An established company in a maturing market is
Friday, November 1, 2019
Biosmilars Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Biosmilars - Essay Example nclude assessment of toxicity and a clinical study that includes assessment of immunogenicity and pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics are required since they are sufficient to show safety, purity and strength in one or more appropriate conditions of use for which the reference product is licensed. There must also be demonstration of comparable quality from the initial development (Patrawala, 2010). There are additional risks that come up with biosimilars. Immunogenicity and switch related issues are risks that are brought about by biosimilars. These risks reduces quality, efficacy and safety of biosimilars to patients that use them. The challenges associated with the approval of biosimilars include ability to switch, immunogenicity, and traceability of batches. Other challenges that the managing bodies have encountered when approving the Biosimilars include indication extrapolation, interchangeability, and substitution. To offset the challenges mentioned, the European Medicines Agency has come up with regulatory measures in meeting the development and approval of this biosimilars. However, the goal-oriented strategies steered by the objectives are portrayed in one part of their products for the patients, which has now followed the Europe’s approach. To offset this problem, there is a need for transparent labeling of product information for biosimilars so that the patients and the physicians can use to make an informed decision. ABPI has set of codes that ensure companies devote considerate resources to that their activities are compiled with. Any complaint that is made against the company is taken as a serious matter both by the industry and the company. Sanctions are also applied agianst a firm that is rule against the breach of code (Abpi.org.uk, 2015). Consequently, firm must ensure that every personnel are well trained according to the code and need to have a robust operating procedures where all the activities and materials within the code are reviewed
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