Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Getting Ready for the Geography Bee
The Geography Bee, more properly known as the National Geographic Bee, begins at the local level and winners work their way to the final competition in Washington D.C. The Geography Bee begins in schools with students from fourth through eighth grade across the United States in December and January. Each school Geography Bee champion takes a written test upon winning the Bee in their school. One hundred school winners from each state proceed to the State Level Finals in April, based on their scores on a written test scored by the National Geographic Society. The Geography Bee winner in each state and territory proceeds to the National Geographic Bee in Washington D.C. for a two-day competition in May. On the first day, the 55 state and territory (District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, the Pacific Territories, and the overseas U.S. Department of Defense schools) winners are narrowed to a field of ten finalists. The ten finalists compete on day two and the winner is announced and wins a college scholarship. Prepping Yourself for the Bee What follows are tips and techniques to help you prepare for the National Geographic Bee (formerly called the National Geography Bee but since the National Geographic Society is the organizer, they decided to change the name). Start with a world map, globe, and atlas and become very familiar with the continents, countries, states and provinces, islands, and major physical features of our planet.Use Outline Maps of the world and continents to test yourself on this information. Knowing the relative location of countries, islands, major water bodies, and major physical features is very important for the Bee. Be sure to also have a good understanding of where the major lines of latitude and longitude lie.Take as many practice quizzes as possible. There are hundreds of multiple-choice Geography Quizzes that will definitely help. National Geographic offers a daily GeoBee Quiz online. Be sure to use an atlas to look up or understand the questions that youve missed.Prepare flashcards or use some other technique to memorize the capitals of the countries of the world and the capitals of the fifty United States.Memorize these Basic Earth Facts, the Highest, Lowest, and Deepest points around the world, and study other geographic superlatives.Read the newspaper and news magazines to learn about geography and to stay up-to-date with major news events happening around the world. Some Bee questions come from the geography of current events and these events are usually those that occur in the latter portion of the year before the Bee. Look up any unfamiliar place names you encounter in an atlas.Knowing principal languages, currencies, religions, and former country names is definitely a bonus. Its most important at state and national levels. This information is best obtained from the CIA World Factbook.Become familiar with the terms and concepts of Physical Geography. If you can review the glossary and key concepts of physical geography from a college-level physical geography textbook, do so!​ In the 1999 state finals, there was a difficult round devoted to exotic species but each questions answer was the choice between two places so having a good geographical knowledge would have been the easiest way to win the round.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Women Have Made Significant Strides In Society, Proving
Women have made significant strides in society, proving themselves to be as capable as men in the workforce. However, while women are making equal contributions, men and women are not earning equal wages. Even though the Equal Pay Act was established in 1963, women continue to earn lower wages than men over half a century later. This inequality not only affects women as individuals but has a detrimental effect on the national economy. The gender wage gap in the United States should end because it is unjust; correcting it would have social and economic benefits for the U.S. Gender wage discrimination still exists in the United States after having many acts established to prevent it. The Equal Pay Act of 1963, signed by John F. Kennedy on†¦show more content†¦For example, â€Å"The mean earnings for male chemists are approximately 30 percent higher than the earning for female chemists, $78,984 and $60,901, respectively†(Broyles). Philip Broyles says that â€Å"[e]mployers recognize that generally, women have lower levels of human capital than men and therefore they discriminate against women because they believe they are less productive†(Broyles). Women lose significant amounts of income over their career time because their â€Å"salary gains are crimped from the start†(Boushey). Additionally, men receive better dividends just for being men. For instance, Broyles explains that â€Å"†¦while both men and women benefit from more lucrative work specialties, men generally get a higher return on their investments†(Broyles). Moreover, Broyles states, â€Å"[m]en with the same level of experience as women earn 6 percent more than women, making experience the greatest discriminatory factor in the earnings gap†(Broyles). To achieve wage inequality in the United States, employers should stop underestimating and discriminating women. Very often, women in the workforce are equally as qualified as their male colleagues, so they should not be penalized for it unilaterally. The gender wage gap would have a significant impact on women’s retirement security. Most Americans depend on Social Security from their earnings over his or her career. According to a report by the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee, the genderShow MoreRelatedGender Inequality : A Social Problem1728 Words  | 7 Pagesperspective. Functionalist focus on how a society creates the social problem and then analyzes how and why the social issue has been maintained over the years. The objective reality is that gender inequality has and always will be a major issue in society. The scope of gender inequality has changed drastically over the years, but there is still a constant struggle for equal rights, pay and respect from society towards women. 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They battled for their opportunity, yet when the Civil War came African Americans had this log ic that if they were to join the Civil War they could liberate all slavesRead MoreThe Issue Of Commercial Sex1756 Words  | 8 Pagesâ€Å"Commercial sex is demeaning only when an intolerant and puritanical society defines it to be so, and makes it a crime†¦Ã¢â‚¬ writes Hugh Loebner in the â€Å"Magna Carta for Sex Work†. It seems as though all work is depicted as something that is gratifying. But, this is only the case when the person doing the work is working a respectable job, such as a job in the medicine or finance. These jobs require men and women to be dressed accordingly and to act accordingly to create a sense of professionalism when
Monday, December 9, 2019
Business Communication Samples for Students †
Question: Discuss about the Business Communication Mayfield. Answer: Introduction Business communication includes the ways and the methods through which information is shared with in an organisation(Mayfield Mayfield, 2017). In other words, business communication is information relayed with in a business firm by the people working in it(Cenere, Gill, Lawson, Lewis, 2015). Communication skills are the ability through which information can be effectively transmitted between people or groups. Communication skills are important for business communication because organisations can function in a better way if people are able to transmit and receive messages adequately(Hanh, 2013). Therefore, it is important to assess the importance of communication skills in business or workplace. Importance of communication skills in the workplace Communication has a very important role in business. Communication is vital to effective deliverance of fundamental management functions in an organisation like managing, directing, controlling, leading, planning and organising(Lybarge Rancer, 2017). Communication helps in making plans and strategies and transmitting these plans across the organisation(Blizard, 2012). Communication skills are the art of transmitting communication accurately, clearly, precisely and in the intended way(Talley Temple, 2015). Therefore, communication in a skilled manner can help in efficient work flow and action by the workforce. Communication skills involve tools and abilities for effective communication. There are various skills in communication which can improve workplace efficiency and help the managers to control, motivate, direct and plan actions in the workplace(Guffey Loewy, 2012). Communication skills involve verbal and nonverbal communication, listening skills, articulation, mannerism etc. All these skills help managers to effectively lead people with in the workplace(Mayfield Mayfield, 2017). Therefore, inculcation of good communication skills is essential for managers. In a business scenario, manager or other members of the workforce need to have good speaking skills(Banker, 2015). They need to articulate their thoughts well. Only then they can mobilise their resources to effectively undertake various business function. Speaking and discussing about functions will help everyone to perform them effectively(Blizard, 2012). However, it is also important to know what is to be said and what is not to be said in a business setting(Jones Hodson, 2012). A manager must know what information is to be revealed, in what manner, to which employee and to what extent. Therefore, art of articulation and speaking is important in business situation. Listening skills are one of the most important business communication skills that a meagre must have.(Ferrari, 2012). It is good to talk with clarity and procession but it is equally important be a good listener. For managers it is important to listen to employees as only then they will be able to solve their doubts and quarries(Jones Hodson, 2012). Also listening to employees can help in generating ideas which can help in activing organisational objectives. Within teams also if team members will listen to each other they will be able to develop a more cordial and a friendly relationship. Listening skills also help managers and workers in getting proper feedback(Jones Hodson, 2012). However, listening should not be passive(Jones Hodson, 2012). A person should listen, contemplate what others are saying and give his views about it. Being empathetic and open to other peoples opinions and views can also encourage positive feedback in an organisation. Hence, it is also an important aspect of communication skills for business(Cenere, Gill, Lawson, Lewis, 2015). For example, if a manager encourages open exchange of idea through his written and spoken communication, employees will be greatly motivated to work(Dwyer, 2012). However, the manager must make sure that his mannerism do not show an over friendly nature because it can lead to people taking him for granted and not focusing on work. Clarity of communication is another major communication skill that the manager needs to incubate(Banker, 2015). This will make the workforce efficient as they will know what actions they have to take at what time. Body language, eye contact, tone and hand gestures form a part of nonverbal communication and convey the message that a person is intending to convey. Nonverbal communication also gives a hint of a persons internal emotions and feelings(Blizard, 2012). Within a workplace setting a manager can train himself to use hand gestures, tone and body language which suit a particular situation. For example, he can control a team by just an eye contact or he can show his agreement to a certain discussion about an organisational plan. Nonverbal communication is very effective in giving subtle cues regarding work to the workforce. However, on the hind side non-verbal communication is a vague and non-precise mode of business communication(Matsumoto, 2012). Hand gestures and tone can also be misinterpreted. It can lead to misunderstanding of tasks with in the work place. Use of verbal communication is also effective in conveying tasks, function and plans across an organisation(Guffey Loewy, 2012). Verbal communication can be both written and oral. Skilled use of oral communication can help a manager in motivate, inspire, direct and control the workforce(Dwyer, 2012). For this purpose the manager needs to develop skills like maintaining eye contract, speaking clearly and developing listening skills himself(Ferrari, 2012). This will help in conveying the message accurately and the employee will feel that he is a participant in the decision making and the planning process. Some people have an innate ability at verbal communication. However, managers can train themselves to use verbal communication in a way which projects them as participative and friendly leaders(Lybarge Rancer, 2017). This can lead to motivation of staff and a work culture of participation, discussion and cooperation in the organisation. However the disadvantage of oral communication is that it is not precise. As it is conducted orally the manager can be misunderstood(Guffey Loewy, 2012). Additionally, there is no proof of the communication unless it is recorded. There is also lack of accountability in oral communication(Hanh, 2013). Reference value of oral communication is also low(Guffey Loewy, 2012). In other words, while repeating what a manager said, an employee might change the meaning and context of the words, intestinally or unintentionally; leading to faulty communication flow. Another major type of communication used in business world is written communication. Communication skills play a vital role in written communication as well(Lybarge Rancer, 2017). The written communication between a manager and an employee or with in employees should be clear, precise and to the point. The language used should be formal and understandable(Banker, 2015). The text with in a written communication should be well drafted to give a clear message to workforce regarding a plan or a strategy. Advantage of skilled written communication is that the employees get clear idea on what is to be done(Dwyer, 2012). It cannot be misinterpreted and there is accountability in this form of communication. However, the communicator has to be careful of the words he is using in a written communication(Cenere, Gill, Lawson, Lewis, 2015). A Letter or a memo written wrongly can cause grave errors and wrong judgements of the situation by the employees. Therefore, person drafting the material s hould be skilled in communication skills. Conclusion Effective communication skills at the workplace can lead to workforce efficiency and effectiveness. It can give clear instruction to people so that they can do their job effectively. Additionally, good communications skills help give positive and constructive feedback. A manger with effective communication skills can get the organisational tasks done in a friendly and a cooperative atmosphere. References Banker, A. (2015). Improve Your Communication Skills (3rd ed.). London: Kogan Page Publishers. Blizard, J. (2012). The importance of effective communication. AORN Journal, 95(3), 319-320. Cenere, P., Gill, R., Lawson, C., Lewis, M. (2015). Communication Skills for Business Professionals. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Dwyer, J. (2012). Communication for Business and the Professions: Strategie . Melbourne: Pearson Higher Education AU. Ferrari, B. T. (2012). Power Listening: Mastering the Most Critical Business Skill of All. London: Penguin. Guffey, M. E., Loewy, D. (2012). Essentials of Business Communication. New York: Cengage Learning. Hanh, T. N. (2013). The Art of Communicating. Huntersville: Random House. Jones, D., Hodson, P. (2012). Unlocking Speaking and Listening. New York: Routledge. Lybarge, J. E., Rancer, A. (2017). SuperiorSubordinate Communication in the Workplace: Verbal Aggression, Nonverbal Immediacy, and Their Joint Effects on Perceived Superior Credibility. Communication Research Report, 34(2), 124-133. Matsumoto, D. (2012). Nonverbal Communication: Science and Applicati. London: SAGE Publications. Mayfield, J., Mayfield, M. (2017). Leadership Communication:Reflecting, Engaging and Innovating. International Journal of Business Communication , 54(1), 3-11. Talley, L., Temple, S. (2015). How leaders influence followers through the use of nonverbal communication. Leadership Organization Development Journal, 36(1), pp.69-80.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Great Gatsby (930 words) Essay Example For Students
The Great Gatsby (930 words) Essay The Great GatsbyThe Great Gatsby is a thrilling tale about a very wealthy man named Gatsby. The story is told through the eyes of the narrator, Nick Carraway. In the beginning Nick is showed as someone for all people to tell their problems. They vent their anger and frustration to him. Nick meets Tom and Daisy Buchanan. Nick is not very fond of Tom. Nick then becomes acquainted with Jordan Baker, whom happens to be a golf champion. Baker is portrayed as snotty and stuck up. Hints then begin to arise that there are problems between Daisy and Tom. Jordan Baker then implies that Tom is having an affair. Gatsby is mentioned a couple of times in conversation for his grand parties but not much else is said. We will write a custom essay on The Great Gatsby (930 words) specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now A little later Myrtle and her husband Wilson are introduced. Myrtle is the woman that Tom is having an affair with. Myrtle’s husband, Wilson, is very intimidated by Tom. Tom buys an apartment for him and Myrtle. They call people up for a little gathering. While there Myrtle and Tom have an argument. Tom becomes violent and breaks Myrtle’s nose with his bare hands. Nick then receives an invitation to one of Gatsby’s huge parties. While Nick is there he sees Jordan Baker. While the two of them walk around and talk, Nick hears more rumors about Gatsby. He himself then begins to look for Gatsby. Nick soon finds out that although Gatsby throws these huge parties, he does not like to stand out or to be very social. He prefers to just observe the festivities rather than to take part in them. Later that night, Nick finally gets to meet Gatsby. In this next chapter, Nick receives an invitation from Gatsby to join him for lunch. When Nick arrives, him and Gatsby talk. Gatsby tells him how he went to Oxford and how he inherited his fortune through his family fortune. Gatsby then introduces Nick to one of his friends/partners in business. Mr. Wolfshiem is a man that is involved in a shady business. Wolfshiem is used to indicate that Gatsby may be involved in shady deals as well. Jordan then tells Nick how Daisy and Gatsby were old lovers and how Gatsby wants her back. She also tells Nick that Gatsby wants him to set up a reunion between the old lovers. Nick reunites Gatsby and Daisy at Gatsby’s request and without Daisy’s knowledge. Gatsby wants to show Daisy his house. He does so to show Daisy what he has become through his possessions. Gatsby becomes confused because his dream is right in front of him and she isn’t as perfect as he imagined her to be. Gatsby expects Daisy to be perfect†¦ she isn’t. Later on, Tom and Daisy attend one of Gatsby’s parties. Tom does not enjoy himself and begins to suspect something between Gatsby and Daisy. A couple of days later, Tom finds figures out what is going on between Gatsby and Daisy; this infuriates him. Gatsby asks Daisy to tell Tom that she never stopped loving Gatsby and never did love Tom. Wilson now discovers Myrtle’s unfaithfulness but does not know with whom she is cheating. Wilson locks up Myrtle but she escapes. Upon her escape, Gatsby’s car hits Myrtle and kills her. Daisy was in the driver’s seat of the car, not Gatsby. Wilson now becomes insane. He had no one in his life but Myrtle and she has been taken away from him. Wilson discovers that it was Gatsby’s car that killed Myrtle. He hunts down Gatsby and kills him and then takes his own life. .ufa03c919ca5074bf4077a762931f7834 , .ufa03c919ca5074bf4077a762931f7834 .postImageUrl , .ufa03c919ca5074bf4077a762931f7834 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufa03c919ca5074bf4077a762931f7834 , .ufa03c919ca5074bf4077a762931f7834:hover , .ufa03c919ca5074bf4077a762931f7834:visited , .ufa03c919ca5074bf4077a762931f7834:active { border:0!important; } .ufa03c919ca5074bf4077a762931f7834 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufa03c919ca5074bf4077a762931f7834 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufa03c919ca5074bf4077a762931f7834:active , .ufa03c919ca5074bf4077a762931f7834:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufa03c919ca5074bf4077a762931f7834 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufa03c919ca5074bf4077a762931f7834 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufa03c919ca5074bf4077a762931f7834 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufa03c919ca5074bf4077a762931f7834 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufa03c919ca5074bf4077a762931f7834:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufa03c919ca5074bf4077a762931f7834 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufa03c919ca5074bf4077a762931f7834 .ufa03c919ca5074bf4077a762931f7834-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufa03c919ca5074bf4077a762931f7834:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Exile in San rancisco EssayWell, on a lighter note, lets talk about the â€Å"roaring twenties.†They are fitfully named because that is exactly what they were. Most people didn’t have a care in the world. They worked during the day and partied all night long. The Great Gatsby picturesquely portrays what upper class life mostly consisted of in the twenties. It throws a love story in the mix to spice it up a little bit and to add drama; but this does not significantly add to the historic aspect of the book. This book did not really have an affect on life in the twenties as, let’s say, The Jungle did have on American society. That book, which uncovered unsanitary conditions in a slaughterhouse, brought the public to take action against this. The Great Gatsby more or less just describes the carefree lifestyle of the times and incorporates it into a story to entertain the reader. The author of The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote the book almost in a first hand state. At the time when he wrote it he was living on Long Island, where the book takes place. Long Island was a community that was alive with wealthy and riotous parties.1Fitzgerald very much modeled Gatsby after himself. Gatsby fell in live with Daisy and his dream was to be back together with her again. While Fitzgerald found the woman he wanted to marry, but she refused because he could not financially support her. Fitzgerald’s dream was to become a successful writer, which would enable him to support this woman and marry her.2If anyone is interested in knowing how the hustle and bustle of the â€Å"roaring twenties†really worked, The Great Gatsby is a great book to read since it was written during the time period and paints a pretty accurate picture of how life was lived. Book Reports
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