Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The History Of Shamanism Theology Religion Essay
The History Of Shamanism Theology Religion Essay Shamanism is a gigantic factor in most customary religions, some of which incorporate the Africans, Native Americans, numerous pieces of Asia, just as different societies. In spite of the fact that the meaning of a shaman contrasts starting with one area then onto the next, the general word reference meaning of a shaman is An individual from certain inborn social orders who goes about as a medium between the noticeable world and an undetectable soul world and who rehearses enchantment or magic for reasons for recuperating, divination, and power over common occasions. The term shaman started in the Mongol and Turkish region and is deciphered actually as one who realizes which associates with their insight into the approaches to control spirits and enchantment. With Shamanism being engaged with such a large number of various societies, its hard to give it only one definition, so in this paper I will experience a couple of the way of life and clarify their particular meaning of shamanis m and the various angles associated with African customary religions. African Shamanism There are a wide range of angles to African shamanism. The fundamental meaning of shamanism in Africa has a decent implication and typically includes control of spirits or natural substances to recuperate, direct, or accomplish useful work for other people. A portion of the particular names of these shamans are rainmakers or paradise herders, cultivators or medication men, and soothsayers. Not all individuals utilize their hotspots for acts of kindness, and when a shaman starts utilizing their procedures for abhorrent doings, they at that point secure the name of witch or alchemist. Such is the situation in most different societies also. There are two unmistakable conventional religions in Africa-Zulu and Yoruba. They have numerous likenesses just as contrasts. The Zulu stick for the most part to the slopes as a result of their topographical area, and thus think about slopes to have otherworldly centrality. Since slopes have such unique importance, the Zulu assemble their towns, or kraals, on the slopes in a roundabout development with the doors confronting east (do to hugeness of the sun), the crowd in the focal point of the kraal, and the headman, known as the umnumzane, is on the west side of the kraal. The umnumzane impacts the clan. He holds the political, social and strict pioneer jobs over the entire clan, and is regularly a soothsayer. The headman of every Zulu kraal is the central authority of the town and furthermore that individual most legitimately liable for the exhibition of the ceremonial demonstrations expected of all Zulu, particularly those that address the ancestors. [1] Besides tackling questions or settling on choices inside his kraal, one of the umnumzanes principle jobs is contact with the predecessors. He will play out all the customs and such things to satisfy the progenitors for everybody inside his kraal. The progenitors have a colossal impact in Zulu convictions thus the job of the umnumzane is significant. The individuals need to keep the predecessors cheerful with the goal that they will keep on having favorable luck in their lives. As per most African customary religions, the precursors don't cause incident, however others do. The position framework is very comparative in the Yoruba clans. Their political, social and strict pioneer is very much the same, but instead than having a settlement on a slope where the ceremonies include the entirety of the network under one pioneer, the strict commitments are put on the leader of the family, or the olori ebi, and that individual does the correspondence with the progenitors, and keeps them cheerful and such. Every family has its own sanctum. The people group despite everything gets all together to perform strict services, yet it is increasingly centered around the family. Divination is utilized to decide answers for issues, to portray reasons of mishap, or even to foresee what's to come. In the Zulu culture, seers must be called by methods for a fantasy or vision that is trailed by throbs, torments, or other real dysfunctions. Anybody can turn into a soothsayer, albeit ordinarily ladies involve the position. Once called, the individual should be prepared by an accomplished soothsayer. The Yoruba are somewhat extraordinary with their seer. They have a consecrated cast, and one piece of the station called the Orunmila explicitly use divination practices to reach one specific god for answers. Like the Zulu however, the one that will end up being a seer will experience broad preparing from an accomplished soothsayer. Soothsayers in the two conditions have numerous methods for accomplishing their work. They can utilize components, for example, water, fire, bones, sticks, and so on to discover their answers, and with these articles, they have made methods for deciphering the signs from each. In certain conditions, the seers will permit themselves to be in a stupor that permits them to speak with the spirits, or even be controlled by the spirits so as to discover the solutions for their customers, yet normally the seers are the ones controlling the spirits and getting their insight as opposed to being utilized by the spirits. When individuals have figured out what their concern is from the soothsayer, they at that point go to a botanist for a cure. Botanists could without much of a stretch be meant specialists and serve a similar job in both the Zulu and Yoruba. They were prepared to know well which herbs or cures worked for the various conditions. Some portion of the conventional religions is that spirits live in a large number of the nature components, thus cultivators utilized this religious philosophy in their functions also. They would utilize certain plants or areas in view of the profound components included, and would control the spirits in such a manner to fix their customer. Though most soothsayers are ladies, most botanists are men. Information on medication is generally passed on from father to son. [2] Along with the passed on information, botanists were consistently open to new data. This incorporates practical data, just as otherworldly experiences. Another type of soul control in the Zulu is the izinyanga ezulu, or paradise herders. Paradise herders are consistently men, and must be brought here and there by the Sky God. Their main responsibility is to control where storms and such go. They are supposed to be pupils of the Sky God, just as a medium between the individuals and the Sky God. With cows and agribusiness being a tremendous piece of the Zulu culture, it bodes well that the sky is dealt with as steers seem to be, and that the climate should be controlled for the individuals who own raise yields to take care of the individuals. The Yoruba hold no such position, despite the fact that they do likewise love a comparable god with their consecrated cast. They (soothsayers) are not by any means the only extraordinarily enlivened aides individuals go to for counsel. Numerous consuld mediums who speak with spirits while in a daze. Some might be had just a single time or twice in the course of their life, however others guarantee to be in customary contact with at least one familiars that they can recognize by name. [3] The Yoruba called these individuals elegun. Among the Zulu, just the seer could do such, yet the with the Yoruba, anybody could be utilized as a medium; they didn't should be a soothsayer. The Yoruba additionally have individuals that are known as the egungun. The egungun are conceal artists that perform for the progenitors. They have exceptional covers that are associated profoundly to the precursors and are said to have incredible force. Just men are permitted to be egungun, except for one lady, who is the executive or dresser. One needs to gain the title of egungun by experiencing a specific procedure. While a large portion of those positions are exceptionally open to the general population or potentially the benefit of the network, a few people abuse their capacities. Such individuals are called witches or alchemists. Since the people groups accept that the spirits don't cause any mischief, every awful thing are as far as anyone knows an outcome from witches and magicians. As indicated by the Zulu, somebody could be a witch without acknowledging it. Their very nearness would carry hardship to everyone around them. By and large however, in both the Zulu and the Yoruba, the witches are shaman that utilization their abilities for malicious. They wind the framework from utilizing their forces naughtily. They work cryptically, and normally just at evenings. Albeit attempting to separate among witches and magicians is troublesome, there are a couple of little methods for contrasting them. Alchemists will in general work alone where as witches will assemble around evening time and work as a group. Another alleged quality of alchemists is the capacity to shape-move. There one story of magician drawing a lady to become hopelessly enamored with him. He offered to wed her, and on their excursion back to his town the set up camp. During the night he changed into a lion so as to eat her. Fortunately for her, her sibling didn't confide in the man and tailed them, and continued to shield his sister from being eaten. Different stories recount magicians assuming the type of an owl for methods for getting away from their home quietly and accidentally. Another alleged attribute of alchemists is their capacity to utilize the undead. They can execute an individual utilizing their dark enchantment, and afterward utilize the people dead body for their ow n utilization. Witches are regularly portrayed as utilizing voodoo, charms and reviles. Voodoo includes gaining a piece of somebody, for example, a hair, nail, or something to that effect, and it is added to a specific article that the witch makes. The piece of the individual associates them to the witches object, and the witch can play with the individual along these lines. Charms could be an item that has been recited over and accused of enchantment. An appeal could be a bit of paper with a serenade composed on it that could be worn, or an appeal could essentially be a serenade itself utilized in snapshots of required assurance or other. Frequently, individuals would get charms to shield themselves from witches curses. The last primary concern that witches use is curses. Condemnations, hexes, spells, or whatever you may call them, have been a concern of normal individuals for longer than history can tell. Frequently it is a serenade said with feeling over an individual to welcome adversity on the m. They can be communicated in an obscure language,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Faults in Badminton Free Essays
Chesca Loriel Decena Faults The guidelines of badminton think about the accompanying as issues: †If the bus arrives beyond the court, goes through or under the net, neglect to pass the net, contacts the roof or side dividers, contacts the individual or dress of a player or contacts some other article or individual. †If the underlying purpose of contact with the bus isn't on the striker’s side of the net. (The striker may, nonetheless, follow the van over the net with the racket throughout a stroke. We will compose a custom paper test on Blames in Badminton or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now ) If a player contacts the net or its backings with racket, individual or dress, attacks an opponent’s court over the net with racket or individual aside from as allowed. †If a player attacks an opponent’s court under the net with racket or individual to such an extent that a rival is hindered or diverted or deters an adversary, that is keeps a rival from making a legitimate stroke where the van is followed over the net. †If a player purposely diverts an adversary by any activity, for example, yelling or making signals. On the off chance that the bus is gotten and hung on the racket and, at that point threw during the execution of a stroke. †If the bus is hit twice in progression by a similar player with two strokes. †If the bus is hit by a player and the player’s accomplice progressively or contacts a player’s racket and proceeds towards the rear of that player’s court. †If a player is liable of blatant, rehashed or tenacio us offenses under Law of Continuous Play, Misconduct, Penalties. †If, on administration, the bus is gotten on the net and stays suspended on top, or, on administration, subsequent to disregarding the net is trapped in the net. Lets ‘Let’ is called by the umpire, or by a player (if there is no umpire), to stop play. A ‘let’ might be given for any unanticipated or unplanned event. The principles of badminton consider the accompanying as ‘lets’: †If a bus is trapped in the net and stays suspended on top or, in the wake of ignoring the net, is trapped in the net, it will be a ‘let’ aside from on administration. †If, during administration, the recipient and server are both blamed simultaneously, it will be a ‘let’. †If the server serves before the collector is prepared, it will be a ‘let’. In the case of, during play, the van breaks down and the base totally isolates from the remainder of the van, is will be a ‘let’. †If a line judge is unsighted and the umpire can't settle on a choice, it will be a ‘let’. †A ‘let’ may happen following a help court blunder. At the point w hen a ‘let’ happens, the play since the last assistance will not tally and the player who served will serve once more, aside from where in circumstances where the Law of Service Court Errors is appropriate. Step by step instructions to refer to Faults in Badminton, Papers
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
A Success-Oriented Mindset
A Success-Oriented Mindset How do you define success in college? For some it lies in landing a job straight after graduation, and for others it means gaining admission to a graduate program. In my view success is tethered to gaining knowledge of the world around us. The quest for knowledge is not an easy one, and often it seems to be filled with obstacles that seem impassable. I believe it all lies in ones mindset. Change your mindset to a productive one and youre on your way. Measuring Success in College Success in college and life as a whole is not answered entirely by metrics, but rather by effort. You could have graduated from high school or college with honors and still find yourself lacking on many of the subjects that you studied and received high grades in. With GPA and transcripts being what they areâ€"metrics used to quantify your level of understandingâ€"we tend to fall into the trap of assuming high-level metrics on paper or a digital screen to mean more than they do, and as a result we make ourselves vulnerable to stunting our own growth. The Critical Importance of Self-Reflection for Success I want you to take a good hard look at your past, and then come back to the present and rate yourself on a scale from 1-10 (10 being the highest) on how much you think you know about the area of study you want to explore further. The point is for you to realize that you will never be a 10 if you always label yourself as a 10. And if you find yourself falling short of a 10, then the question becomes, Why? The mindset we all should strive to adopt is that of constant improvement. We are at a crossroads at which we either choose to improve ourselves or remain stagnant in our development. Time will continue to go on, and we either improve as it ticks or remain the sameâ€"the decision is for each of us to make on our own. Two Mindsets There are two mindsets which differentiate highly motivated people from highly unmotivated people. The first is that of How and the second is that of Cant. Whichever you choose will ultimately determine your path to success. The Cant mindset, as you may have guessed, is that which belongs to highly unmotivated people. Whenever something inhibits you from achieving a goal of yours, it comes down to how you respond to that block. If you adopt this mindset you will either immediately give up, think that it was too good to be true, or, worst of all, blame an external source. This approach wreaks havoc on your path towards pursuing knowledge and the success to be achieved through it. You will effectively defeat yourself and not want to push forward. If you let yourself wallow in the idea that you werent and wont be good enough and dont take accountability for your shortcomings, you will waste precious time that could have been used to reflect and try again. Success will become more difficult as a result. The How mindset is a little different. Instead of thinking that you failed because of some external source or your own lack of ability, you begin to think that you can and will accomplish a goal. The question becomes, How do I achieve this goal? This mindset is very organic. If you dont believe me, just think about why youre reading this post. You are thinking of how to achieve something, not that you cant. The key is to stick to this mindset without wavering. Perseverance is what differentiates people who succeed from people who fail. This approach will force you to constantly reflect on what you need to do to reach the level you want to be at. Going Forward Ultimately, I cannot force you to want to succeed in college or life. That is entirely up to you. What I can do is provide support through a post such as this. I dont claim to have everything figured out, but reflecting on my mistakes has taught me to reinvent the mindset I approach every challenge with, and over time I have begun to love challenging myself because I know there is always more for me to learn and grow from. Nobody is born equipped with all the skills they need to be successful in their lives. Everyone must learn how to communicate, read, and work hard in order to begin the journey of pursuing success. The decision is ours alone. May we choose wisely, lest we are left to sift the dust of the past when all is settled. Regards, Maaz Maaz Class of 2022 I am a Pre-Medical student studying Community Health with a concentration in Health Policy Administration interested in improving healthcare delivery systems through both public health and medical practice. My posts are targeted toward helping high school students improve their self-improvement and actualization strategies as they further their own personal and professional development.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The And Effects On Society And The Economy Of The Country...
I. Introduction Liberia is a country rich in natural resources but is one of the poorest countries in Africa. In this paper, I will explain the causes of this poverty, such as poor governance and corruption and the effects on society and the economy of the country. Corruption is rampant in African countries and beneficial to only the private sector, yet this country has not been able to successfully stop it and improve its structure. The government is the backbone of the country. It is supposed to benefit its citizens, protect human rights and serve the communities, however the governments in Liberia has not. This has caused rampant poverty, instability and healthcare issues. II. Literature Review To better understand these issues, it’s important to contextualize this within the body of other scholarly works on the subject. Below are five summaries of articles regarding the subject of the Liberian governance. These articles examine the causes of the strife in Liberia and the effects on the countries’ citizens. The first article is Understanding the Economic Effects of the 2014 Ebola Outbreak in West Africa by Amadou Sy and Amy Copley discusses the economic effects of the ebola outbreak in west African countries. â€Å"In addition to the enormous and tragic loss of human life, the Ebola epidemic is having devastating effects on these West African economies in a variety of essential sectors by halting trade, hurting agriculture and scaring investors.†To halt the spread of theShow MoreRelatedThe Positive and Negative Aspects of Job Migration943 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction There are many people moving from their native countries to foreign countries. It has many reasons such as educational and economical, religious and political problems. Reason of labor migration lack of work opportunities, and receive sufficient income at home. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Law Of Moses And The Blood Of Christ - 952 Words
The Law of Moses and the Blood of Christ Paul explained to the Ephesians that when the fullness of time came, God sent His Son into the world to make known His will for the salvation of humanity. (Ephesians 1: 9-10) However, according to Paul, that plan had extended from the foundation of the world. â€Å"According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love.†(Ephesians 1: 4) And, it is mentioned in the very first book of the Bible. Some say that it can be traced back to the creation in the sentence that God placed upon the serpent; that in the words â€Å"He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel,†there is an intimation that God had in mind the plan of salvation that would eventually come in its completeness, And that might be so. We do know that it goes as far back as Abraham, because Paul said that was what He was talking about. (Galatians 3:16) Moses said â€Å"The Lord our God will raise up unto you a prophet like unto me and ye shall harken unto Him in all things.†(Deuteronomy 18: 15) And, Luke said that Moses was referring to the Christ. (Acts 3: 22) Therefore, the call of Abraham and the giving of the Law were until the Seed should come. â€Å"Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Galatians 3: 19) Now, that word â€Å"added†simply means â€Å"appended to.†The Law was appended to all previous lawShow MoreRelatedThe Testament Of The Bible946 Words  | 4 Pagesas Abraham, because Paul said that was what He was talking about. (Galatians 3:16) Moses said, â€Å"The Lord our God will raise up unto you a prophet like unto me and ye shall harken unto Him in all things.†(Deuteronomy 18: 15) And, Luke said that Moses was referring to the Christ. (Acts 3: 22) Therefore, the call of Abraham and the giving of the Law were until the Seed should come. â€Å"Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promiseRead MoreComparing and Contrasting Revelation and Hebrews1102 Words  | 4 Pageswill examine three major difference and/or similarities: Their views on the relevance of Jewish History, the superiority of Christ, and, the Second coming of the Messiah. The first comparison that we will examine is how both Hebrews and Revelation view Jewish History. There is a difference in views between Hebrews and Revelation regarding this topic. In Hebrews, Jewish law is viewed as obsolete. We can see this point emphasized in the following passage: â€Å"When He said, â€Å"A new covenant,†He has madeRead MoreThe Earthly Sanctuary913 Words  | 4 Pages Introduction God gave very specific instructions to Moses regarding the establishment of the earthly sanctuary. 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In the expression of theseRead MoreThe Between Moses And Jesus1719 Words  | 7 Pagesmotifs along with the story of Jesus of Nazareth. In doing so, the parallel between Moses and Jesus is a dominant theme that makes the New Testament both slightly predictable while also reinforcing Jesus’s role as the â€Å"lawgiver.†This archetype is interesting because religion is dominated by rules, and at the most basic level, the prophets created the rules in which followers of religion live by. The link between Moses and Jesus is inextricable and undeniable, causing the relationship to be so obvious
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Apple a Day Free Essays
An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away Eating Healthy and exercise are essential to the health and well-being of all people. A healthy diet along with exercise can help you live longer, feel better about better food choices; provide you with more energy, help you stay at a healthy weight, and help you fight stress. Do you want to live longer and be healthier? Then make that first step and maximize the benefits from being active and eating healthier. We will write a custom essay sample on Apple a Day or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is important to make sure and eat fruits and vegetables daily, at least 5 servings. The best way to be healthier is to incorporate into your daily routine eating fresh fruits and vegetables such as: apples, bananas, strawberries, pineapple, blueberries, grapes, carrots, potatoes, peas, and broccoli. This list can go on and on and you will find there are plenty of fruit and vegetables that you will enjoy. â€Å"Vegetables and fruits are clearly an important part of a good diet. Almost everyone can benefit from eating more of them, but variety is as important as quantity. No single fruit or vegetable provides all of the nutrients you need to be healthy. The key lies in the variety of different vegetables and fruits that you eat†(Willet, 2007, Harvard School of Public Health). Doctors and nutritionists highly promote fruits and vegetables because they offer many benefits to being healthy. They are excellent sources of essential nutrients, such as vitamins and anti-oxidants. People who eat diets rich in fruits and vegetables have a decreased risk of several chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. As the saying goes, â€Å"an apple a day keeps the doctor away. A healthy eating plan will protect against many health problems and improve the way our body functions. Annabel Bentley, BUPA assistant medical director, has this advice: â€Å"As one of the leading independent health and care providers in the country, BUPA is pleased to support this campaign. A balanced diet is one of the best ways to maintain good health and help prevent the onset of some serious diseases. Eating well need not be expensive or complicated and this new campaign is geared to leading people towards the right things to eat. †Eating healthy can help in living a longer and healthier life. It can also strengthen your immune system, which can help in fewer sicknesses. The benefits from eating healthy go on and on and will improve your lifestyle dramatically. Proper eating can even help some have healthy lush looking hair, skin and nails and everyone wants to have beautiful skin, hair and nails. Eating healthy can help in feeling better within oneself. A healthy diet along with exercise will provide the body with more energy and make you feel better about yourself and can help fight stress and depression. Eating unhealthy can cause many health problems. Besides obesity and diabetes, there is high blood pressure, heart problems, breathing difficulty, anemia, and joint problems all due to extra weight. Healthy eating can help protect people from cancer, heart attacks, diabetes and problems with blood pressure. Blood pressure is the force that pushes the blood from the heart through the arteries in the body. High blood pressure becomes dangerous because is makes the heart work too hard. Even when the pressure is only slightly raised for a long period of time it can damage arteries and cause organ damage. I personally have high blood pressure and the doctors are constantly advising me to eat better, exercise and lose weight and when I apply their council my blood pressure does improve dramatically. †High blood pressure is a primary risk factor for heart disease and stroke. As such, it is a condition that is important to control. Diet can be a very effective tool for lowering blood pressure. One of the most convincing associations between diet and blood pressure was found in the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) study. This trial examined the effect on blood pressure of a diet that was rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products and that restricted the amount of saturated and total fat. The researchers found that people with high blood pressure who followed this diet reduced their systolic blood pressure (the upper number of a blood pressure reading) by about 11 mm Hg and their diastolic blood pressure (the lower number) by almost 6 mm Hgâ€â€as much as medications can achieve†(Appel, Moore, Obarzanek,1997, clinical trial). By making sure to eat a balanced diet then the occasional fatty food or takeaway will not hurt, but it will become a problem if you eat fatty foods everyday. It can be easy to fall into the trap of eating takeaway food every night because most people have busy hectic lives and find that they do not have the time or energy to cook something healthy. â€Å"Junk food has become a pillar in modern society. It offers a quick fill, fast service, or you can bring it home to watch a movie with. From chips, pop, ice cream it goes on and on. There is no nutritional value in any of it. Even the canned produce should be considered junk food. Preservatives are jamming the tops of these containers of fruits in order for them to remain edible for months and months†(Healthy Eating, 2008, Health benefits of food). While it would be nice to take a pill and wake up 15 lbs lighter, the truth is that weight loss takes time and effort as well as a commitment to eating healthy everyday. The best way to begin to reduce the amount of weight people put on would be to reduce any un-necessary fat intake. Fat intake can be difficult to manage because fat makes food taste so much better. It is so tempting to grab a donut or candy bar when craving a snack, but it can be just as easy to grab an apple or a bag of carrots and your body and your health will reap better benefits from it. â€Å"Most people who work at eating better know that the salad bar can be a terrific way to eat out, eat great food and have a healthy meal. There are a few items that can tip the scales as far as fat and calories are concerned, especially if you are trying to watch your weight. A major offender is salad dressings. †Doctor Gourmet, (2008). Weight is such a sensitive subject for many people, young and old , which is why it+ does need to be addressed, because people today especially children are becoming obese at alarming rates. Many people think that it is just too difficult to eat healthy, or they do not know what to eat. â€Å"What you should eat is actually pretty simple. But you would not know that from news reports on diet studies, whose sole purpose seems to be to confuse people on a daily basis. When it comes down to it, thoughâ€â€when all the evidence is looked at togetherâ€â€the best advice on what to eat is relatively straightforward: Eat a plant-based diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains; choose healthy fats, like olive and canola oil; and red meat and unhealthy fats, like saturated and trans fats, sparingly. Most important of all is keeping calories in check, so you can avoid weight gain, which makes exercise a key partner to a healthy diet†(Willet, 2007, Harvard School of Public Health) As for keeping the weight off, avoid the elevator and take the stairs. If you take the stairs regularly, you will burn more calories. As you do it more often, you will learn that you have more energy. In order to be healthy, we need to learn what it means to eat healthy and to live healthy. The first step is making sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis and avoid unnecessary fats in our diet. The best way to avoid fats is by not eating fast food or junk food on a regular basis. Exercise needs to be a top riority in our lives to keep stress away and to feel energized, even if it is as simple as a walk in the park. When it comes to diet and exercise, you have to ask yourself a very important question. How much do you care about yourself? It is up to all of us to make a commitment to set aside a little time each day for exercise. As far as eating healthy is concerned, just focus on each individual day. Do not go to the extreme, because this is setting you up for failure. Just make small changes throughout the day. At night, simply walk away from that huge slice of chocolate cake. It is all up to you to live a healthy lifestyle. Discipline, control and focus can be hard to maintain when it comes to eating healthy and exercising regularly. It can be hard, especially in the beginning, but it is essential that you be consistent. By being consistent it will get easier and easier to make necessary lifestyle changes. By making these positive lifestyle changes in your life it will go a long way in living a long healthy life for years to come. How to cite Apple a Day, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Catullus free essay sample
Catullus creates two poems, which show his immense love and affection for his girlfriend, Clodia. The content of the poems is the same and the themes contain similar ideas of everlasting love. The readers can first see that these poems are closely related because in the first two lines of both poems â€Å"Lesbia†is addressed. This shows that Catullus is talking to his girlfriend and this connects the two poems from the very beginning. Also both poems have similar main themes of love and kissing. In poem five one can first see that Catullus is writing about the love he has for Lesbia when he says, â€Å"Da mi basia mille (give me a thousand kisses. (line 7)†This shows that he loves Lesbia and wants to show that love in a physical way. In poem seven the theme of kissing and love is shown immediately when Catullus states, â€Å"Quaeris-superque (you ask how my acts of kissings of you are enough and over Lesbia. We will write a custom essay sample on Catullus or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page )(lines 1-2)†This line is emphasized by the word â€Å"basiationes(acts of kissings)†because this abstract, polysyllabic noun, formed from basium was created by Catullus and used only here. Catullus does this to display his rare love for Lesbia. Therefore one can see the thematic connection of Catullus showing his love in both the poems. The poems also share similar dictions and structures creating another link between the two poems. Both poems are written in the same meter called hendecasyllabic. These poems written in same format cause the reader to associate them with each other. Also the poems both contain multiple number words. In poem five this can be seen when Catullus says, â€Å"Da-centum(give me a thousand kisses, then a hundred, then another thousand, then a second hundred, then immediately another thousand, then a hundred. )(lines 7-9)†In these lines Catullus uses multiple number words to describe the amount of kisses he wishes to share with Lesbia. These great amounts of kisses cause the readers to understand how much Catullus loves Lesbia and how great his affection for Lesbia is. Also these lines are emphasized by Catullus’s use of anaphora, or repetition of the whole word. He the number words â€Å"mille†and â€Å"centum†multiple times to show the immense numbers of kisses and his great love for his girlfriend. Also he uses anaphora with the words â€Å"dein†and â€Å"deinde†to show that after one set of kisses then there will always be another. This causes readers to come to the conclusion that he never wants the kisses to stop. In poem seven Catullus is further expressing his great love for Lesbia. In this poem he demonstrates he loves her a lot by also using the theme of counting. But in this poem he compares the amount of kissings he wishes to have with Lesbia to large numbers of other things. He begins by using a simile to compare their kissings to sand saying they were like a great number of sands of Libyssa laying on lasepiciferum bearing Cyrena (magnus-Lyrenis)(lines 3-4). This shows there are lots of kisses because there were millions of grains of sand. Also he goes on to compare the acts of kissings to many stars when the night is quiet (sidera-nox)(line 7). And lastly he shows that they kissed a lot by saying â€Å"te-basiare(to kiss you so many kisses. )(line 9)†This shows that the couple had kissed each other many times and this is emphasized by polyptoton (basia amp;basiare). In all of these comparisons Catullus uses multiple number words which creates another tie between poem five and seven. Also in all his number comparisons in both poems he uses hyperbole because its not possible to kiss someone that many times. Therefore the structure and use of similar figures of speech creates a bond between the two poems. Catullus wrote poem seven in a response to Lesbia’s question about poem five. Catullus wrote both poems with similar content, diction and structure to establish their thematic connection. In both poems he demonstrates his large amount of love and care he has for Lesbia. He does this by using the same figures of speech and themes to create the link to the two poems. Therefore Catullus connects the poems and shows his love for Lesbia.
Monday, March 30, 2020
Josef Mengele Essays - Josef Mengele, Nazis In South America
Josef Mengele Fifteen years ago the world let out a sigh of relief with the discovery of 208 bones and a few rags. For over forty years survivors of the Nazi death camps known as Auschwitz were haunted by the vision of the handsome, well dressed man with a caring smile who pointed his white-gloved finger either left or right deciding who lived (at least for the moment) and who died. Those who passed this man and survived have always remembered the man known as the Angel of Death. These are the people who question the identification of these bones as those of SS doctor Josef Mengele. Josef Mengele was the eldest son of Karl and Walburga Mengele of G?nzburg, Bavaria. Karl Mengele ran a machine tools factory and often put his eldest son Beppo, as he was known then, in charge of overseeing the transport of all goods to and from the factory (Drekel 29). Beppo was always happy when the transports arrived and years later an older Beppo still delighted at the arrival of trains and their cargoes, but at a different railway stop (30). Mengeles childhood was one of privilege. His family was upper middle class and Beppo was well liked by the townspeople. Most townspeople recall an innocence and sweetness to him (31). Josef Mengele was a promising student and went to Munich to study racial theories under the philosopher of National Socialism Alfred Rosenburg (THHP par.2). He then moved to Frankfurt-am-Main to receive his medical degree and study under Otmar von Verschuer. Verschuer was the director of the Institute for Racial Hygiene at the University of Frankfurt and is who began Mengele with his studies on genetic engineering (par. 2). By the time Mengele received his medical degree he was a member of both the National Socialist Party and the SS (par.2). Mengele did serve in battle and although there is little mention of the details of his service it is known that he was wounded while on the Eastern front (Astor 28). Mengele was sent back to Germany to recover and was awarded an Iron Cross First Degree, Iron Cross Second Degree and the standard decoration for service against the Red armies (28). It was after he recovered that Mengele volunteered as camp doctor at an installation in the southwest of Poland known as Auschwitz (29). Dr. Mengele took his new position with the stated mission to perform research on human genetics. His mentor, Verschuer, had secured a grant through the German Research Council to fund Mengeles work (Lynott screen 2). Dr. Mengele wanted to create a Germanic super-race by unlocking genetic engineering secrets and devising methods for eradicating inferior gene strands from the human population (screen 2). His most passionate interest soon became twins. Twins were the perfect specimens because one twin could act as the control while the other was endlessly experimented on. This passion is what drove Mengele to the arrival ramps at Auschwitz. In just over a year that Mengele was at the camp he is known to be present for at least 74 arrivals (Gilbert 582), but with 70 to 90 percent of new arrivals being sent immediately to the gas chamber after stepping off the train (Lynott screen 1) who knows how many other arrivals Mengele was at that no one has survived to recall. Mengeles selection process was very systematic. Young men and women aged eighteen to thirty-five that looked strong were sent to the left to slave labor. The rest, consisting of the old, the very young children and their mothers, the sick, and the weak were sent to the right to the gas chamber (Astor 55). Mothers with very young children and mothers with children who had died in transport, as many did, were sent to the gas chamber because, as Mengele himself said, mothers wont work well if they know their children are dead, (60). Mengele selected certain people from the new arrivals for his own personal group. Anyone with certain abnormalities, such as dwarfs, midgets, hunchbacks along with other birth defects, and twins were sent to a special block where Mengele could perform his research (THHP par.7). The building in which Mengele housed his specimens was Block
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Browning Peal Essay Essays
Browning Peal Essay Essays Browning Peal Essay Essay Browning Peal Essay Essay Browning PEAL Essay Robert Browning uses many techniques one such example being his continuous reference to women being similar to roses. Browning uses the imagery of roses throughout the poem to represent women and femininity. It is a common practice in literature for poets to refer to women as flowers, in particular roses; such as Browning has done in ‘Women and Roses’. This is because they represent natural beauty that has been created by God, which compliments the woman Browning is talking about because it shows his feelings on how he believes they don’t have to try to be beautiful. Roses also represent love and passion, the colour red is an intimate colour that represents seduction and sometimes danger as seen in ‘Of Mice and Men’ where Curley’s wife is referred to as having â€Å"full rouged lips†and â€Å"red fingernails†. The thorns on roses continues this theme of potential risk, because the simple idea of men picking roses for women could injure the man due to the thorns on the stem, this could represent how men have to fight past the hard things in love to get to the beauty or the woman. In ‘Women and Roses’, Browning also uses roses as a representation of the stages through a woman’s life going into womanhood and how she grows from a young shoot full of promise to something incredibly beautiful and natural and eventually to an old and wilted flower, â€Å"bees pass it unimpeached†. The poem is about finding perfect love with a woman, which is represented as finding a rose with no thorns, thorns being the trouble in a relationship or a woman. Browning wrote ‘Prospice’ after his beloved wife, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, died in 1861. The poem shows Browning’s beliefs on death and how he feels that he will once again be reunited with his love in the afterlife. The title Prospice can be translated as ‘look forward’, and in this poem, published in 1864, Browning is most likely looking forward to death, when he expects ‘I will clasp thee again’, meaning he will be with Elizabeth once more. Such optimism seems to contrast noticeably with the religious doubt or searching of many Victorian writers. But Browning does not claim that there is anything easy about facing death, instead he shows one way of coping. He gives the ‘Arch Fear’, death, a ‘visible form’ so that he can imagine taking him on in one last fight to show that he will not be taken easily, Barriers’ and ‘guerdon’ suggest a tournament took place. In ‘A Woman’s Last Word’ Browning uses Roman numerals to show the breaking down of a omplex subject such as a woman’s feelings after an argument. By doing this it makes it easier for the reader to follow and distinguish the different stages of feelings the character goes through and also shows the changes in direction of her attitude until she reaches submission towards her love. This is a good technique used as he wrote the poem from a woman’s point of view and has gone into a lot of deta il on how she feels and reacts to the argument.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Toy Sales Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Toy Sales - Essay Example It does not take long for parents to realize that the toy bought a few weeks ago has become an unwanted and useless thing. Most of these toys are in perfect shape and can be taken for toys that arrive fresh from the factory. Toys R US can open such schemes where parents can return used toys and be compensated at one-third of the original price while Toys R US can still do good and ethical business with even them by selling them at half or three-quarters of the original price. The biggest value customers find in a retailer is cost-saving. Toys R US has already built a reputation of a low-cost toy seller, but being in competition with Costco and Wal-Mart with such strategy means that costs are not sufficiently low enough. Toys R US should find out ways to reduce the cost of toys even more which may be through outsourcing toy-manufacturing services or reducing the profit margin. One way Toys R US can maintain the profitability without losing to Costco and Wal-Mart is by opening lottery schemes for the kids. Offering good quality, durable, and well-proportioned toys in lottery prizes through lucky draws every few weeks is not a huge cost to pay for sustaining the business amidst such powerful competitors as Costco and Wal-Mart. Clientelling is a very fruitful strategy that Toys R US can employ making optimal use of the technology at hand. High-end businesses employ clientelling as a strategy to pair their customer with representatives that log every action or purchase made by the customers into a database so that future services can be customized accordingly. Clientelling helps retailers build long-term relationships with their customers and build their loyalty. Toys R US can inform the customers of the arrival of toys preferred by them whenever the fresh stock of toys is received at the stores. Staff members and representatives of a retailer play a very important role in fostering its relationship with the
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
DSL Services In my Area Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
DSL Services In my Area - Case Study Example There are a number of companies that offer internet provisional service in the Upper Marlboro community. These include: the Verizon, EarthLink, XFINITY by Comcast and the dishNET company. In this case, the focal point of this study uses the EarthLink internet company since it the only firm that offers both the DSL and Cable modem services with favorable download speeds. When it comes to selecting an appropriate DSL or Cable connection, there are a number of factors that one has to consider, for example, the speed or internet bandwidth and the popularity of use between the two. The internet bandwidth speeds for the two types of connectivity vary greatly in the Upper Marlboro area. A cable modem connection using the EarthLink Internet Company offers a peak of up to 15 Mbps (megabytes per second) for both the download and uploads speeds. This is slower compared to the DSL connection service offered by the same company. The DSL internet connection only provides up to 7 Mbps (megabytes per second) for downloads and uploads. Some other aspects of an internet connection that an interested party ought to look at are the cost and reliability of the connection. Having constant access and reliable internet connection at an affordable cost is valuable for any internet subscriber. The subscription cost demanded by the EarthLink Cable Internet is a monthly payment of $29.95 compared to the $14.95 a month budget for subscribing to a DSL connection. The logical implication in the above features is that the Cable modem connection is the most reliable since it has a higher bandwidth and dial up connection. The Verizon Company and the XFINITY Internet Company do not offer both of the packages, but instead provide DSL and Cable modem services respectively. The most lucrative DSL package the Verizon Company provides is the Verizon High Speed Internet Enhanced package that
Monday, January 27, 2020
Strategic Planning Human Resource Management Commerce Essay
Strategic Planning Human Resource Management Commerce Essay Strategic human resource is a strategy or plan that carried out by organization to guides an organization in accomplishes its vision and mission. Through a strategic plan, the organizations can develop an effective human resource plans that will enable the organizations to make a management decisions especially something that will give a benefit to their employee and organization in the present and to support and guide the direction or flow of the organization. Human resource strategies are designed to ensure that organizations have the staff they need to meet customer demand. Lately, whether we realize it or not, the strategic human resource planning has been used widely in organizations. A discussions highlight several key term of strategic human resource that can affect the business in organization. There are characteristic of strategic human resource, planning process and the way of the organization implement their strategies. Usually, based on the strategic plan, it will guide the organization to be more competitive. Through this journal, it is explore about the strategic human resource management that has been practiced in organization for a small business. Other than that, it is also has been practices in staff training and development to ensure that the staff achieve their standard and perform better. INTRODUCTION Human resources is a set of individuals who form a organization workforce, business or an economic sector. Other terms sometimes used to replace the term human resources as workforce, talent, labor or simply people. Human resource management is reflected in the professional disciplines and business functions of overseeing human resources of an organization. Different with human resource management, strategic human resource management pay attention to human resource activities with the long-term objectives. Strategic human resource management also focuses on issues of internal human resources. In addition, the strategic focus of human resource management is to manage and resolve the problems that effects people management programs in the long-term and often globally. Therefore, the ultimate goal of strategic human resources to improve productivity of workers by giving attention to the business barriers that occurs outside of human resources. This journal focuses on Strategic Human Resources Planning. Human Resource Planning as a process of systematic review to determine human resources requirements to Make sure That the number of employees in line with the required skills. Human resource planning is a step in identifying human resource needs of the present and future of an organization to achieve the goal. HR Strategy will need to demonstrate that careful planning of people issues will make it significantly easier for organizations to achieve greater strategic and operational goals. Better strategic planning is needed to ensure that the organization obtain competitive opportunities from other organizations in the future. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The mainly purpose of this study is to examine whether strategic planning human resource management can support the achievement of business goals. This goals and objectives are attainable when the strategy aligned with organizational goals. The next purpose is to develop and expand the workforce in organization and meet future demands. Furthermore, strategic human resource also develops plans for the future and to make sure all employees meet company goals and expectations. Besides that, provide individual member of staff with information relating to staff development and training opportunities, and their task. FINDINGS What is Strategic Human Resource Management According to Huselid and Jackson, strategic human resource management specifically develops, implemented and executed based on a deliberate linkage to a companys strategy. Strategic human resource management also means that employees are strategic resources for example human capital that must be managed and leveraged in executing corporate strategy. The SHRM paradigm were predicated on the belief that specific human resource practices need to promote behaviors designed to deliver firm strategies and were focused on the relationship between employee behavior and company strategy (e.g. Snell 2001; Schuler and Jackson 1989; Fisher 1989). It also focuses on strategic context that influences on individual and later systems of technical human resource management practices. Managers were expected to employ the system of individual practices based on considerations of external threats and opportunities and internal resource capabilities, resources, and competencies their firms strategy, to e licit and reinforce the required behavior. Besides that SHRM is align with traditional human resource management practices such as recruitment, selection, training and development and rewards to a companys strategy. It also means place the policies and procedures that facilitate proficient strategy execution, using teams to leverage cross-functional knowledge and competencies, improve the knowledge management capabilities that facilitate the leveraging of best practices and effective also being efficient to capture the economy of scope opportunities, improve learning organizations that facilitate the constant adoption, utilization, ownership, and internal dissemination of best practices, and executing change management approaches that contribute to building and maintain the strategy supportive of corporate cultures. The researcher also said that the SHRM includes developmental performance feedback, management by objectives techniques, and balance scorecards; competence development maps and frameworks; open book management pra ctices to reduce worker-manager status differential; cross-functional teams and project teams profit sharing, team based compensation, merit pay, and long term incentives; enterprise resource planning human resource management solutions; and enhanced involvement of the human resource function in crafting, implementing, and executing strategy and also structured interviews, bio-data, cognitive ability tests, and assessment center. Next according to assumption by Arthur, fundamental to the strategic HRM perspective is that firm performance is influence by the set of HRM practice firms have in place. The expectation by external stakeholder relevant in shaping technical HRM activities include the government, which regulates a wide range of employment practice, and various professional organization (Baron , Jennings Dobbin, 1998; Tolbert Zucker, 1993). The expectations of these stakeholders tend to be similar for all firms, and they fell some pressure to conform. Key internal stakeholder like line managers and executive prefer high- quality technicalHRM activities (Tsui, 1987).The stakeholders are not yet likely to hold strength expectation or put pressure on organization to adopt these practice becausethe HRM activities are relatively recent innovations (cf.John, 1993; Wright McMahan, 1992). Characters of strategic human resource management Emphasize the ability of value creation The important path that organization must consider is a strategy that will be used based on their strategic resources. The organization must allocate their resources with effectively and then can decide the main objective. For organizations, the purpose to determine a strategic key of human resource is to identify employees that have a high achievement and have talents to compete with others. Think highly about the value chain management The key term of value chain management describe about strategic integration of the human resource with each function. The strategic human resource management will consider each function and try to create effective plans that can maximize the policies, procedure and also systems in the organization. Thus, the organization can implement the strategy and to use efficiency at the maximum level. Emphasizes contributions to the organizations strategy The success of the strategic human resource can contribute to the organization growth. The strategy must be aligning with the organizational objectives. First of all, there must be a clear tasks and relevant that affect organizational efficiency. There are also basic functions and skills that will be combining to develop a strategic human resource. Therefore, the organization can perform the task with excellent and thus can accomplish the organizations strategic objectives and at the same time can contribute to the growth of the organization. Should be recognized The approach taken to the management of human resources will be found that there is a mutually critical. For example, when the organization was changed and has redefined the role of the individual, indirectly it will affect to the way in which individual performance is managed, and the way in which the pay structure should be designed to reflect and support new ways of performing work. Specific human resource management initiatives will ensure that the sequence changes occur in the correct order and indirectly recognizes the need to understand where you are now in relation to each different area. (Roy Massey, 1994) (Taking a Strategic Approach to Human Resource Management Roy Massey) Approach to strategic human resource Blending strategies is one of the approaches to achieve an organizational vision, mission and objectives. An appropriate element of human resource strategy is required in order to formulate and implement these strategies. A blended strategic approach combines face to face methods through computer activities between each employee. The trainer and also trainee will interact with each other from time to time to share their information or any ideas about development. By this strategy, they can meet thru their organizations websites and discuss for any progression. The strategic human resource planning process Assess the current human resource capacity The most important steps in organization based on strategic plan are to assess the current capacity of human resource. The employees will be identified their knowledge, skills, behavior and also abilities before perform a tasks. Thus, the management can describe each type of employee based on their capabilities while handle the tasks given. Therefore, the management can evaluate employees performance and from that they can find a right employee that must undergo a training program to enhance their abilities. Forecasting human resource capacity The second step based on the strategic plan is to forecast human resource requirements for the future. The management must forecast the demand and supply for the organizations future. Forecasting can support the organizational goal and give the important information especially human resource capacity to management. Gap analysis The third step is to identify the gap between the organization present and in the future. This gap analysis will identify the number of staff will be employed in the future, the scope of the organization will be carried out, the skill and technology required and so on. It is important because through this strategic plan, management can improved or there are new practices to make the organization move forward, always up dated and achieve their strategic goal. Developing human resource strategies There are several strategies that the organization may take advantage in order to meet their goals in the future. The organization can do a training program to develop their employees. The management also can send their employee to take courses to become expert or certificates them. This training is to upgrade and enhance the employees skills and it will give advantage to the organization. Strategic implementation Future performance capabilities HR must analyze the capabilities inherent in the organization to determine the core competencies that will be needed to implement the strategy in the future. The basis for the strategic contribution of HR is to close any gaps between actual competencies required of the future. Values and culture HR policies should be examined from the perspective of core valuesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹, to ensure that the value are accordance with the new strategy. To maintain stability in the middle of turbulent change, HR must play an important role in communicating the companys core values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹and operational changes to employees. Learning and system thinking Regeneration strategies must be combined with strategic HR learning program. Teamwork, communication, problem solving, statistical analysis processes, and continuous improvement are just some of the skills that must be learned and adapted to meet the new strategy. Passion to improve HR must help develop a healthy respect for the bridle view, so that they can be heard and discussed, especially when dealing and strengthen with the company weaknesses. HR must replace the hardcore, bureaucratic policy to friendly lines, flexible framework that does not damning line managers. Partnerships and collaboration HR can do a lot of action to help resolve the structural stress and cross-functional teams. HR will be a third-party collaborators allows others to become successful, productive partnerships that need to intensify the companys ability to achieve new strategies. Communication and commitment HR has an actual cheerleading role to play in the follow-up to the strategic planning session. Given the role of HR neutral organization, it can and must be followed up to make sure that the commitment and passion for the new strategy to be experienced. HR can proceed the planning process across the organization so that everyone taking part in the continuous organic strategic planning process. (Ivey business journal strategic HR by Doug Treen) Strategic Implementation practices in Small Business According to ORegan Ghobadian ,the strategic planning is setting of long-term business goals, and the developing and implementing of formal plans to achieve these goals. From a comprehensive reviews of the small business,it suggest thatstrategic planning is generally more common in better performing enterprises (Hormozi, Sutton, McMinn, Lucio, 2002; Lurie, 1987; Miller Cardinal, 1994; Schwenk Shrader, 1993). For example, small businesses that strategically plan ,compared to those that do not strategically plan are more likely to be those that get a higher sales growth, higher returns on assets, higher profit margins and higher employee growth (Berman, Gordon, Sussman, 1997; Bracker, Keats, Pearson, 1988; Carland Carland, 2003; Gibson Casser, 2005). Strategic planning involves the systematic setting of comprehensive business goals. In the present study, business ownership motivations were compared against four planning criteria that is the use of business plans (yes vs. no), the formality of business plans (written vs. unwritten/in my head), the timeframe of business plans (short-term only vs. long-term only vs. both short- and long- term), and the timely review of business plans (at least half yearly/yearly vs. less than once every two years). Usually , small business operators engaged in strategic planning can be expected to: Have a business plan, Have a business plan that was written, Have a business plan that covered both the short- and long- term periods; and, Have a plan that was reviewed regularly. Following Huselid, Jackson, and Schuler (1997), strategic human resource management (SHRM) can refer as a critical element in fostering operational efficiency and firm performance. The reseachers agrees that the characteristics of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) strategic human resource management practices determines how people managed their capabilities and on the effect side, is directly related to its value as a strategic partner. It contend that the factors affecting the quality of a SMEs of SHRM resource management capability include the industry and competitive condition of its partners and direct competition from other SMEs and businesses intention to provide value to a SMEs partners. SHRM and Business Strategy Fit or Integration SHRM existence increasingly enhance the value of to the organization. SHRM strategy refers to moving pattern organization and management techniques or approaches used to achieve organizational objectives and to continue mission of the organization (Inyang, 2004:20). In an attempt to be successful or achieve a competitive advantage, organization must pick and follow a variety of approaches. Academic support as mentioned has consistently stressed the need for HRM to be strategic business partners. This means that the SHRM integrated with business strategy. Integration or fit refer to the SHRM involvement in the formulation and implementation of organizational strategy and SHRM alignment with the strategic needs of the organization (eg Buyens De Vos 1999; Schuler Jackson, 1999). Human resource managers should join together with other senior managers in the organization during strategic decision-making process in order to become a strategic business partner. Membership at this level in the hierarchy of the organization offering the opportunity to SHRM to represent the concerns and influence the strategic direction of the business from the beginning of the decision making process. SHRM and the Resource Based View (RBV) of the Firm A firm that acquire and develop human resources can achieve a competitive advantage (Hamel Prahalad (1989). Resources owned by the firm that helped it reach ongoing competitive advantages must be satisfy four requirements. Resources should be precious, rare, inimitable, and can not be replaced. If the firm uses resources that are not easily substituted or duplicated by other firms, the firm can take this opportunity to get a competitive edge not simultaneously pursued by other firms. Among the most essential factors competitive advantages is the capability of to distinguish what the business provide to the customer than those provided by competitors. Purcell et al (2003) maintain that such discrimination can be achieved by having the HR strategy, policies and practices that ensure that: The firm has high quality employees from competitors. Unique intellectual capital owned by organization are developed and nurtured. Organizational learning is encouraged, and Certain organizational values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹and culture exist that binding the organization together gives it focus. The RBV of the firm is related to developing strategic capabilities, investing in sufficient organization workforce to increase value to the firm. RBV purpose is to enhance the capacity of resources reach strategic fit among resources and opportunities, and obtain added value from the efficient allocation of resources. Business strategy designed to reach objectives of the organization are not likely to succeed when HRM was not undergo the formulation and implementation of strategies. Organizations should provide a conducive environment for the integration of HRM with business strategy from HR to provide energy to drive the organizations strategy. Wei (2006) stated that HR systems and practices are important in helping to accelerate the achievement of business strategy through people management. Strategic human resource practices in staff training development Firstly, by strategic planning, the organization can achieve their specific strategic business objectives. These planning implement an action with follow the procedure that related to the study and discuss to resolve the difficulties and any matters in the organization. Strategic planning can actively solve the conflicts such as culture conflicts through effective communication with each other members, full participation from the combination of organization and any department and get a high support from the members. Hence, staff training can achieve their training and accomplish business strategy goal for development. Secondly, the strategy oriented training more concern about sharing and initiative, carries out the training transfer, creates conducive working environment that stand for lifelong training and enhances the training productivity. It different from traditional training because this training focuses on long term objective and guide the organization development. In organization, training transfer is about the transformation of the training results. It is a process where the staff training applied the knowledge, skills, and behavior into practical work. Thirdly, implement the strategic training that focuses on core competitiveness of employees and organization. Give expand spaces to staff to develop their competitiveness and through training also they can increase their knowledge, skills and work achievement. Hence, the staffs understand the concept and can effectively adaptation the strategic goal of the organization. Thus, it can be consider that the success of strategic human resource can produce qualified excellent talents in the organization. CONCLUSIONS The success of the strategic human resource can contribute to the organization growth. The strategy must be aligning with the organizational objectives. There must be a clear tasks and relevant that affect organizational efficiency. It is also a basic functions and skills that will be combining to develop a strategic human resource. Therefore, the organization can perform the task with excellent and thus can accomplish the organizations strategic objectives. Then, the strategic planning can refer as a broad managerial process of developing a vision, mission statement, goals and objectives that can be serve as influential guides to employees using the top bottom management approach (Warner, 2000). Next, for small business ownership motivations are diverse and significantly influence how operators manage their businesses. As we can see, the operator is the business and accordingly, research into small business strategic planning needs to focus on the operator and his/her personal motivations and ambitions. The role SMEs can play in fostering the competitiveness of big businesses and the challenges they need to overcome have been well documented. Further insights on the factors that aid or inhibit successful partnering, can only be of strategic importance not only to SMEs but to their big business partners. However, powerful strategic partnership and alliances between small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and big businesses is critical to the ability of big business to build and maintain the sustainable competitive advantage.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Fitness program for Football
Many things affect your performance in games. Training preparation and fitness definitely affect your performance in games this is because when you train you improve everything needed to play football. If you exercise and train on cardiovascular endurance therefore you can last a whole game without tiring which is great because then you can play without the team having the strain of carrying you through the match. So if you train you become fitter if the training involves steady progression, this will enable you to play the game without tiring or straining yourself to hard. The better and more you exercise won't just affect your fitness it affects all three aspects of your health. The three aspects of health are social, mental and physical well-being. If you do exercise the social well-being would improve because you go to classes and meet people and make new friends so exercise = more friends+ and greater social well being. Exercise helps your mental well-being because you deal with stress and new skills and tactics giving you focus and determination. It also helps when the day is bad for oneself you can go out and relieve stress and tension that has built up during the day. Exercise helps physically because overweight people burn body fat and skinny people build muscles and give them a nice shape. It also prevents heart disease and high blood pressure, back pain and some cancers. Swimming and walking help people with asthma and all this gives a higher life expectancy so exercise looks good for everyone but too much can cause illness and make you more susceptible to flu. The reason for training is to improve your ability to take part in physical activity. Training has certain principles that apply no matter no matter what sport you undertake. These are: (S) Specificity (P) Progression (O) Overload (R) Reversibility (T) This is there because it is a simple way of remembering the principles of training Specificity Any type of training must be suitable or specific to the activity that you are training for E.g. A strength building programme will not train your body in order to run a marathon. Aswell as choosing a type of training you may wish to train concentrate on part of the body too E.g. strength building on the legs. SPECIFIC EXERCISES WILL NOT PRODUCE SPECIFIC RESULTS Each activity will have different specific demands. Most physical activities require a combination of exercises and it is important to analyse exactly what is required and those requirements can be met. It will even be necessary to identify relevant muscle groups. Overload This is making the body work harder than normal in order to improve it. Overload can be achieved in the following ways. Frequency of training: To start with you may only train twice a week with a recovery period in between. This could be increased to every other day and then to five times a week to create overload. Intensity: You can increase the intensity by simply working harder at the training method you are using e.g. twenty minute jog at 50 % of max speed increased to twenty minute jog at 60 % of max speed. Time/ Duration: Refers to the length of each training session and this should be made longer to achieve overload. Unfortunately we can't increase the time of each session because we are confined to lesson times. Your body responds to overload by adapting to it. Used sensibly it will lead to an improvement. Progression The training you are doing and particularly the amount of overload must be increased progressively. In other words, as your adapts to the increased demands that you are putting on it, then that demand should be steadily increased. If you sty at the same level so will your fitness, but you must not do too much too soon, this will lead to injury. Reversibility If you either stop or decrease your training you go into reverse and lose the effect. There are three heart rate zones they are normal, which is below 60% of your highest heart rate and there is aerobic respiration, which is above 60% of your max heart rate, and below 85% of max heart rate then there is anaerobic respiration, which is above 85% of max heart rate. When your heart rate is normal this means no benefit from training so this is bad so I have to make myself go above 60% of my max heart rate for someone my age because everyone has a different heart rate. It is believed that your max heart rate is 220- your own age e.g. 220 – 15 = 205 beats a minute which is extremely fast therefore 123 is my aerobic point and 174 is my anaerobic point. A way you can see your anaerobic point is on this graph: To make my fitness programme effective for my current level of fitness I will use many bits of information gathered such as the results from nine fitness tests preformed in class times also I will use whether recent illness has effected my performance of late. The results were in a table like this one: This table shows that I had an average attempt but can improve in allot of areas so I will focus on these areas. The areas that most concerns me is co-ordination and reactions this is because they are needed most of the time playing football e.g. when I need to dribble and look up for options so this is good when a cross can get into the box. Reactions are needed in football when the ball can't be seen when it is crossed then at the last minute you see it and need to control it. So in my programme I will be using this information to get these different fitness components improved. Over the last two weeks I have had lots to eat this being bad food for fitness because it is that time of year so this may effect my ability at the start of the course. I have had no real illness but the slight illness has now gone and I am back to normal and fighting fit. My football skills always need to be improved so I will use practices to improve passing and shooting techniques so these will be included to my fitness programme. Also I will do a little on control because it makes no harm practicing that. You should always do a warm up before each main activity because it is light exercise to get the blood pumping around the body. Also during a warm up your muscles get by the blood flowing around them gets faster and this lowers the risk of injury. The warm up also heats up synovial fluid this makes joints more mobile. When stretching in a warm up this helps muscles, tendons and ligaments from getting strained. When doing simple skills this your muscles but also helps psychologically. So this light exercise helps all three elements of health if doing in a group. In a good warm up before any sport there should be three main phases a gross body movement stage where by you do simple jogging for a long time doing such things as bringing your knees up to your chest, flicking your bottom with your heels then when you feel it is good gradually get faster into sprinting. This is to get the blood pumping around your body this also may improve slightly on cardio vascular endurance. Remember go from slow to a faster speed. My gross body movement arrangement can be shown in this diagram: The second stage of any warm up should be stretching this will help loosen the main joints this also helps to stop muscles, tendons and ligaments straining. The stretching phase should start from your ankles upwards stretching nearly every muscle. To improve flexibility you should stretch from 10-30 seconds and doing it regularly should be 8-10 seconds. The stretches used should be one as these: The next stage in the warm up is the skills stage, which helps the psychological side giving focus and determination. In this stage there should be simple tasks, which involve skills needed in a game e.g. passing against the wall controlling it and passing again and other various simple tasks. After the main activity there should be a cool down this should be included because helps your body recover after vigorous activity. Like the warm up this has phases but only two they are gross body movement and stretching. The gross body movement stage this time is to give oxygen to the muscles meaning lactic acid can be removed thus giving the muscle less stiffness. During the warm up you go from slow to fast this time go from fast to slow. Use many of the techniques shown in section five on the warm up. Finish off the cool down with some stretches this should loosen your muscles and prevent stiffness because usually after exercise muscles are often tight. As before in the warm up go from ankles upwards. Use the stretches shown in the warm up section. To monitor my performance of my activities in the 6 sessions I will use this table: I have used this table because it sets a target for each session and shows how close I was to meeting the target so if my sessions are good I should reach the target easily each time. I will make sure that the area is safe for others and myself. I will pack things away and leave them in safe places and make sure they are out of the way. I will try to set up things in an area that is out of the way of other people so noone is harmed. I will put things away immediately away after use. I will wear suitable clothing that is easy to do all the activities required.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Evaluate the effectiveness of Internet marketing Essay
Given that the UK has fully embraced e-commerce and Internet shoppers now contribute more to the nation’s GDP than other country in the G20, it is perhaps unsurprising that it spawned one of the world’s leading online retailers – ASOS (As Seen On Screen). When launched in 2000, the website was aimed at providing consumers a tool to buy clothes and accessories that had been worn by celebrities, or otherwise items ‘As Seen on Screen’, but has since grown to a global online fashion store that has over 65,000 products that are targeted at the ‘20-somethings market’. ASOS ideal customer is a female, 20 year old, fashion-lover: an avid consumer and communicator who are inspired by celebrities and the media. ASOS aim to gain an increased understanding of their target customer so they can offer them the fashion they want, they do this by building an online relationship. ASOS ideal customer would have online, digital lives to ensure the instant access to information as ASOS is web-accessible on any device they happen to be using – mobile, tablet or laptop/PC. ASOS sells a wide range of brands to target different individuals. ASOS sell their own label and other world-renowned brands, and also give individuals and boutiques the chance to sell, new and pre-worn fashion, through their ASOS Marketplace channel. ASOS now has eight local language websites (UK, US, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Australia, China and Russia) but also provides free shipping to 234 countries in total. Its website attracts 29.5 million unique visitors a month (excluding mobile) and has 14.8 million registered users. With the Group’s chief executive recently claiming that  £1 billion in annual sales are firmly in the company’s sights, ASOS is truly an online giant. How does ASOS use the Internet? ASOS use the Internet in a range of different ways to strive to gain the most from the company. As the company is online only, their main use of the Internet is through their own website. By using their website they can convey the company’s message, to inform existing and potential customers of the features and benefits of the company’s products and/or services. This enables the customers to browse through the products available and purchase them online at their own convenience. As customers of ASOS become part of the company by having their own personal accounts, ASOS can use direct mailing when promoting new offers, products and services. They can also use direct mail to support customers when tracking orders placed online. ASOS can also use the Internet to promote the company through Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Search Engine Marketing (SEM), which is marketing a website online via search engines, either by improving the site’s ranking through search engine optimization (SEO), buying pay-per-click (PPC) ads or purchasing pay-for-inclusion (PFI) listings in website directories. By doing this, ASOS can use popular search engines such as, Google and Yahoo!, to sponsor any links of theirs, this instantly gives them a competitive advantage over competitors. ASOS can also use the Internet by advertising through banners etc. Social Media is another way ASOS can use the Internet. Social media marketing, this can involve social networks like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. ASOS can use these sites to gain customers and also enhance the popularity of the company. The products provided by ASOS target a range of customers with a wide array of high street and designer brands. These are all promoted alongside ASOS own brand to gain an increased recognition from potential customers. What are the benefits? By using the Internet, ASOS have been able to obtain a number of key benefits. The main key benefit for ASOS is the ability the Internet brings to provide a service to a wider target audience. The convenience of the store and the 24/7 access enables ASOS to obtain an increased amount of customers. By being an online store they can also target customers worldwide, which further expands their ever-growing target audience. Another benefit of using the Internet as a business is the ability to use direct marketing, via Email, text etc. ASOS are able to contact customers directly through their account information and they do this to inform them of the latest sales/promotions. This is a huge benefit for ASOS in terms of sustaining customers and it builds a customer/company relationship and increases the loyalty of the customers. What challenges did ASOS overcome? In order to excel to become one of the world’s leading online retailers, ASOS have had to overcome a number of challenges. The most substantial challenge, which greatly impacted ASOS financially, was in the form of a warehouse fire in 2006. The warehouse fire caused 45% of stock with an overall profit of 3.8million to be lost; this incident saw a great downfall for the company. Unfortunately, the incident fell during December, which resulted in the loss of thousands of Christmas presents that had also been paid for by customers worldwide. Not only was this a financial issue this also hindered ASOS reputation and brand image due to the lack of trust and decreased loyalty from their customers. In the wake of the 9/11 and the collapse of the dot-com boom craze, ASOS shares were falling towards one of the worst market collapses for a generation. An instant decrease in share prices similarly caused a challenge for the business. ASOS also faced challenges with the lack of support from high-end, designer brands. To build the companies reputation, attracting larger fashion labels was crucial. By 2004, ASOS was selling stock from a number of prestigious brands; this greatly increased customers and therefore increased profits and popularity of the site. The brand image including the re-brand of the company from As Seen On Screen to ASOS, which was another vital decision ASOS had to make to suit customers demands and needs. By doing this they tailored their company to fit the desired needs of their customers, which succeeded in building the relationship between the company and the customers. After the incident of the warehouse fire, ASOS faced financial struggle and faced interim payments over 12 months to strive to put the business back on track. They thrived in doing this with a growth of 116% in 12 months – and revenues o f 42.6 million. Today, ASOS still faces challenges with issues such as, technical difficulties and securing payments online. How do they meet the customer needs? As a highly successful company, ASOS meet customer needs in a number of diverse ways. The website itself aims to meet customer needs by targeting their design and layout to appease customers. The website features a navigation bar, drop down menus, a help page and contact details for customers. When featuring a product on the site, ASOS offer customers with a wide range of colour and size options, catering for customers needs. The website also makes this easy for customers to find their desired product with the use of filters when browsing products. The website is also used to promote sales and special offers for customers all year round. Recently ASOS have expanded their services by providing, ASOS VIP Premier (for just  £9.95 a year). This allows loyal customers to become a VIP member of the site with extra services such as unlimited next-day delivery, free returns and early access to sales. This is highlighted to enhance customers desire to shop with ASOS and also provides increased benefits when becoming a VIP ASOS customer. As well as the ability to become an ASOS VIP Premier customer, customers can join the website (free of charge) with their own personal account. This includes sharing personal details when ordering and tracking products. Due to security, some customers may see this as an off-putting aspect to ordering online. However, ASOS ensure security recognition, in the form of a verified icon, focuses that ASOS is a secure site. By becoming a member, customers are automatically placed on the direct mailing list. This allows ASOS to keep customers up to date with special offers and also help to sustain customers. As well as using their own site, ASOS also uses a variety of social networking sites to help their customers feel more connected to the business. This also enables them to be informed of any updates. ASOS also use popular search engines, such as Google and Yahoo! through sponsored link; this means that when users search ASOS, the page is automatically the first link to appear on screen. By using sponsored link this enables ASOS to gain recognition of customers and also makes it more convenient and easier for customers to find the page. To meet a wider customer audience, ASOS ensure their site is accessible to all, with the option of 8 different language and currency selections to suit a specific customer. This meets customer’s needs as it enhances ASOS target audience therefore generating an increased profit for the company. How don’t they meet the customer needs? Despite having a wide range of benefits that do meet ASOS’ customer needs; there are still a number of factors that hinder success for ASOS. Primarily, with ASOS being an online only business, there is no direct service for customers. Although the website provides an email service there is no direct service available for customers, which means customers can not ring the business or speak to an employee face to face. This may be a huge disadvantage to the ASOS, as they do not provide a particular service that customers may feel is a must. The website itself, although fresh and tidy with its black and white colour scheme, when browsing the site customers may find the design to be boring and dull in comparison to an exciting and living shopping trip experience. This may hinder customer’s use of the site and result in a loss of customers and profit. As well as the design of the website, images of products featured on ASOS, may also deter customers desire to purchase from the website. Some of the images on the ASOS website are unreliable which makes it hard for customers to gain a realistic vision of what they are potentially purchasing. This could possibly be a disadvantage for ASOS as customers may face disappointment on the arrival of their purchase, as they do not have the ability to view the product in high detail before buying. When browsing ASOS, it can be highlighted that some of the pages show a different layout than others on the website. This could be seen as inconsistency within the website and give customers an unprofessional image of ASOS. Conclusion In conclusion, ASOS is effective in meeting the desired needs of its customers. The figures in 2007 of 42.6 million in comparison to the predicted turnover of  £1 billion expected by 2015 show the growth of the company in past years. This growth is down to the overall service providing by ASOS and use of the Internet. This is shown through benefits such as; navigation of the website, popularity through other sites, including search engines; direct mail and accessibility. Despite this, there are several drawbacks to using Internet market, which may prevent ASOS to strive to reach their fullest potential. Drawbacks within; overall customer service and inconsistency throughout the site, which may be seen as a huge disadvantage when using the website and may hinder the future growth of ASOS in the aspect of gaining and sustaining current and potential customers.
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