Sunday, January 19, 2020
Fitness program for Football
Many things affect your performance in games. Training preparation and fitness definitely affect your performance in games this is because when you train you improve everything needed to play football. If you exercise and train on cardiovascular endurance therefore you can last a whole game without tiring which is great because then you can play without the team having the strain of carrying you through the match. So if you train you become fitter if the training involves steady progression, this will enable you to play the game without tiring or straining yourself to hard. The better and more you exercise won't just affect your fitness it affects all three aspects of your health. The three aspects of health are social, mental and physical well-being. If you do exercise the social well-being would improve because you go to classes and meet people and make new friends so exercise = more friends+ and greater social well being. Exercise helps your mental well-being because you deal with stress and new skills and tactics giving you focus and determination. It also helps when the day is bad for oneself you can go out and relieve stress and tension that has built up during the day. Exercise helps physically because overweight people burn body fat and skinny people build muscles and give them a nice shape. It also prevents heart disease and high blood pressure, back pain and some cancers. Swimming and walking help people with asthma and all this gives a higher life expectancy so exercise looks good for everyone but too much can cause illness and make you more susceptible to flu. The reason for training is to improve your ability to take part in physical activity. Training has certain principles that apply no matter no matter what sport you undertake. These are: (S) Specificity (P) Progression (O) Overload (R) Reversibility (T) This is there because it is a simple way of remembering the principles of training Specificity Any type of training must be suitable or specific to the activity that you are training for E.g. A strength building programme will not train your body in order to run a marathon. Aswell as choosing a type of training you may wish to train concentrate on part of the body too E.g. strength building on the legs. SPECIFIC EXERCISES WILL NOT PRODUCE SPECIFIC RESULTS Each activity will have different specific demands. Most physical activities require a combination of exercises and it is important to analyse exactly what is required and those requirements can be met. It will even be necessary to identify relevant muscle groups. Overload This is making the body work harder than normal in order to improve it. Overload can be achieved in the following ways. Frequency of training: To start with you may only train twice a week with a recovery period in between. This could be increased to every other day and then to five times a week to create overload. Intensity: You can increase the intensity by simply working harder at the training method you are using e.g. twenty minute jog at 50 % of max speed increased to twenty minute jog at 60 % of max speed. Time/ Duration: Refers to the length of each training session and this should be made longer to achieve overload. Unfortunately we can't increase the time of each session because we are confined to lesson times. Your body responds to overload by adapting to it. Used sensibly it will lead to an improvement. Progression The training you are doing and particularly the amount of overload must be increased progressively. In other words, as your adapts to the increased demands that you are putting on it, then that demand should be steadily increased. If you sty at the same level so will your fitness, but you must not do too much too soon, this will lead to injury. Reversibility If you either stop or decrease your training you go into reverse and lose the effect. There are three heart rate zones they are normal, which is below 60% of your highest heart rate and there is aerobic respiration, which is above 60% of your max heart rate, and below 85% of max heart rate then there is anaerobic respiration, which is above 85% of max heart rate. When your heart rate is normal this means no benefit from training so this is bad so I have to make myself go above 60% of my max heart rate for someone my age because everyone has a different heart rate. It is believed that your max heart rate is 220- your own age e.g. 220 – 15 = 205 beats a minute which is extremely fast therefore 123 is my aerobic point and 174 is my anaerobic point. A way you can see your anaerobic point is on this graph: To make my fitness programme effective for my current level of fitness I will use many bits of information gathered such as the results from nine fitness tests preformed in class times also I will use whether recent illness has effected my performance of late. The results were in a table like this one: This table shows that I had an average attempt but can improve in allot of areas so I will focus on these areas. The areas that most concerns me is co-ordination and reactions this is because they are needed most of the time playing football e.g. when I need to dribble and look up for options so this is good when a cross can get into the box. Reactions are needed in football when the ball can't be seen when it is crossed then at the last minute you see it and need to control it. So in my programme I will be using this information to get these different fitness components improved. Over the last two weeks I have had lots to eat this being bad food for fitness because it is that time of year so this may effect my ability at the start of the course. I have had no real illness but the slight illness has now gone and I am back to normal and fighting fit. My football skills always need to be improved so I will use practices to improve passing and shooting techniques so these will be included to my fitness programme. Also I will do a little on control because it makes no harm practicing that. You should always do a warm up before each main activity because it is light exercise to get the blood pumping around the body. Also during a warm up your muscles get by the blood flowing around them gets faster and this lowers the risk of injury. The warm up also heats up synovial fluid this makes joints more mobile. When stretching in a warm up this helps muscles, tendons and ligaments from getting strained. When doing simple skills this your muscles but also helps psychologically. So this light exercise helps all three elements of health if doing in a group. In a good warm up before any sport there should be three main phases a gross body movement stage where by you do simple jogging for a long time doing such things as bringing your knees up to your chest, flicking your bottom with your heels then when you feel it is good gradually get faster into sprinting. This is to get the blood pumping around your body this also may improve slightly on cardio vascular endurance. Remember go from slow to a faster speed. My gross body movement arrangement can be shown in this diagram: The second stage of any warm up should be stretching this will help loosen the main joints this also helps to stop muscles, tendons and ligaments straining. The stretching phase should start from your ankles upwards stretching nearly every muscle. To improve flexibility you should stretch from 10-30 seconds and doing it regularly should be 8-10 seconds. The stretches used should be one as these: The next stage in the warm up is the skills stage, which helps the psychological side giving focus and determination. In this stage there should be simple tasks, which involve skills needed in a game e.g. passing against the wall controlling it and passing again and other various simple tasks. After the main activity there should be a cool down this should be included because helps your body recover after vigorous activity. Like the warm up this has phases but only two they are gross body movement and stretching. The gross body movement stage this time is to give oxygen to the muscles meaning lactic acid can be removed thus giving the muscle less stiffness. During the warm up you go from slow to fast this time go from fast to slow. Use many of the techniques shown in section five on the warm up. Finish off the cool down with some stretches this should loosen your muscles and prevent stiffness because usually after exercise muscles are often tight. As before in the warm up go from ankles upwards. Use the stretches shown in the warm up section. To monitor my performance of my activities in the 6 sessions I will use this table: I have used this table because it sets a target for each session and shows how close I was to meeting the target so if my sessions are good I should reach the target easily each time. I will make sure that the area is safe for others and myself. I will pack things away and leave them in safe places and make sure they are out of the way. I will try to set up things in an area that is out of the way of other people so noone is harmed. I will put things away immediately away after use. I will wear suitable clothing that is easy to do all the activities required.
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